Berlin 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
SOE 9: Energy and Environment
Dienstag, 27. März 2012, 11:15–12:45, H 0110
11:15 |
SOE 9.1 |
Stylized facts and fluctuations in future power markets — •Stefan Börries and Stefan Bornholdt
11:30 |
SOE 9.2 |
Topology and Stability in Power Grids — •Peter J. Menck, Naoya Fujiwara, Jobst Heitzig, and Jürgen Kurths
11:45 |
SOE 9.3 |
Empirical distributions for firms' energy consumption and energy saving behaviour — •Patrick Plötz and Tobias Fleiter
12:00 |
SOE 9.4 |
On the Predictability of El Niño by Climate Networks — •Josef Ludescher, Avi Gozolchiani, Mikhail Bogachev, Shlomo Havlin, and Armin Bunde
12:15 |
SOE 9.5 |
Applying Stochastic Small-Scale Damage Functions to German Winter Storms — •Boris Prahl, Diego Rybski, Jürgen Kropp, Olaf Burghoff, and Held Hermann
12:30 |
SOE 9.6 |
The influence of sea level rise on coastal flood damages — •Markus Boettle, Diego Rybski, and Jürgen P. Kropp