Berlin 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
TT 32: Transport: Nanoelectronics III - Molecular Electronics 1
Mittwoch, 28. März 2012, 15:00–17:30, BH 334
15:00 |
TT 32.1 |
Influence of disorder and dephasing events on the electron transport through conjugated molecular wires in molecular junctions — •Daijiro Nozaki, Claudia Gomes da Rocha, Horacio M. Pastawski, and Gianaurelio Cuniberti
15:15 |
TT 32.2 |
Master-equation approach for simulating STM images of single molecules — •Tim Ludwig, Carsten Timm, Torsten Hahn, and Jens Kortus
15:30 |
TT 32.3 |
Molecular orbital switching in photochromic single molecular junctions — •Youngsang Kim, Torsten Pietsch, Elke Scheer, Thomas Hellmuth, Fabian Pauly, Dmitro Sysoiev, Thomas Huhn, Thomas Exner, Ulrich Groth, Ulrich Steiner, and Artur Erbe
15:45 |
TT 32.4 |
Vibrationally dependent electron-electron interactions in single-molecule junctions: A mechanism for asymmetric gate-voltage dependence of the current in symmetrically coupled junctions — •Rainer Härtle, Andre Erpenbeck, and Michael Thoss
16:00 |
TT 32.5 |
Transport through π-stacked benzene rings and evaluation of their IETS — •Thomas Hellmuth, Marius Bürkle, Fabian Pauly, and Gerd Schön
16:30 |
TT 32.6 |
Coulomb blockade in molecular junctions with intermediate coupling to the leads — •Dmitry Ryndyk, Andrea Donarini, Milena Grifoni, and Klaus Richter
16:45 |
TT 32.7 |
Spin-polarized transport through single molecules: insight from theory — •Alexei Bagrets and Ferdinand Evers
17:00 |
TT 32.8 |
Optical response of a single-molecule junction: current switching, negative differential resistance and plasmon induced conductance enhancement — •Yaroslav Zelinskyy and Volkhard May
17:15 |
TT 32.9 |
Resonant photoconductance of molecular junctions formed in Gold nano-particle arrays — M. Mangold, •J. Schopka, M. Calame, M. Mayor, and A.W. Holleitner