18:30 |
UP 9.1 |
Dichte von Seewasser — •Bertram Boehrer, Severine Dietz und Dieter Lessmann
18:30 |
UP 9.2 |
Saisonalität des Brechens und der Brechungsmechanismen interner Solitärwellen — •Martina Preusse, Marek Stastna, Heinrich Freistühler und Frank Peeters
18:30 |
UP 9.3 |
Ein neuartiger fraktionierungsfreier Regensammler und seine praktische Anwendung auf die massenspektrometrische Isotopenanalyse von Niederschlägen an der oberen Adria — Manfred Gröning, •Hans Lutz, Zvjezdana Roller-Lutz, Martin Kralik und Laurence Gourcy
18:30 |
UP 9.4 |
Universal constants and equations of turbulent motion — •Helmut Ziegfeld Baumert and Hartmut Peters
18:30 |
UP 9.5 |
Modeling the morphogenesis of brine channels in sea ice — Silke Thoms, •Bernd Kutschan, Klaus Morawetz, and Sibylle Gemming
18:30 |
UP 9.6 |
SCIAMACHY nadir ozone profiles in comparison with limb measurements — •Stefan Bötel, Mark Weber, Alexei Rozanov, and John P. Burrows
18:30 |
UP 9.7 |
Retrieval of Atmospheric Aerosol and Trace Gas Profiles using MAX-DOAS — •S. Yilmaz, U. Friess, U. Platt, A. Apituley, R. van der A, A. Piters, and B. Henzing
18:30 |
UP 9.8 |
Monte Carlo Strahlungstransportmodellierung für passive optische UV/vis/NIR Fernerkundung — •Tim Deutschmann und Ulrich Platt
18:30 |
UP 9.9 |
Validation of MAX-DOAS aerosol and trace gas measurements under various cloud conditions — •X. Li, T. Brauers, B. Bohn, U. Löhnert, J. Schween, S. Crewell, and A. Wahner
18:30 |
UP 9.10 |
CO2 Emission Monitoring using GPS equipped smartphones — •Ralf Willenbrock and Dennis Horch
18:30 |
UP 9.11 |
Estimating the Rate and Intensity of Precipitation Events with regard to Scaling Behavior of a Gamma Process — •Jan Micha Steinhäuser
18:30 |
UP 9.12 |
Eine neue, physikalische Erklärung für den Untergang der Titanic — •Mathias Schmitz
18:30 |
UP 9.13 |
Herkunftsbestimmung von Innenraumschadstoffen mittels Beschleunigermassenspektrometrie — •Matthias Schindler, Wolfgang Kretschmer, Andreas Scharf, Karin Kritzler, Alexander Stuhl und Ewald Hannappel
18:30 |
UP 9.14 |
Determination of noble gas temperatures on speleothems — •Tim Sander, Thomas Marx, Jürgen Engel, and Werner Aeschbach-Hertig
18:30 |
UP 9.15 |
Detection of CO and N2O in the exhaust of a combustion engine with a continuous wave, room temperature distributed-feedback quantum cascade laser — •Florian Schad, Wolfgang Elsäßer, and Andreas Dreizler
18:30 |
UP 9.16 |
Towards traceability in concentration measurements using tunable diode laser based absorption spectroscopy — Javis Nwaboh, •Andrea Pogány, Pascal Ortwein, Olav Werhahn, and Volker Ebert
18:30 |
UP 9.17 |
Ein kompakter, lichtstarker UV-VIS-Spektrograph für die Differentielle Optische Absorptionsspektroskopie (DOAS) — •Friedrich Klappenbach, Ulrich Platt und Jens Tschritter
18:30 |
UP 9.18 |
Aircraft measurements of anthropogenic NO2 with an imaging DOAS instrument — •Anja Schönhardt, Patricia Altube, Andreas Richter, Sven Krautwurst, Konstantin Gerilowski, and John Burrows
18:30 |
UP 9.19 |
Referenzprobenfreie quantitative Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse unter streifendem Einfall an deponierten Nanopartikeln — •Falk Reinhardt, Burkhard Beckhoff, Harald Bresch und Stefan Seeger
18:30 |
UP 9.20 |
Development of an active alkaline trap to determine acidic gas ratios in volcanic plumes: sampling technique and analytical methods — •Julian Wittmer, Nicole Bobrowski, Marcello Liotta, and Ulrich Platt
18:30 |
UP 9.21 |
Ice crystal growth from vapor phase - experiments in an electrodynamic balance — •Christiane Wender, Daniel Rzesanke, and Thomas Leisner
18:30 |
UP 9.22 |
Laboratory experiments on the nucleation and ice-growth of mesospheric dust particles — •Denis Duft, Markus Eritt, and Thomas Leisner
18:30 |
UP 9.23 |
Untersuchung der heterogenen Eisnukleation von Wassertröpfchen auf wohldefinierten Einkristalloberflächen — •Sandro Di Natale, Isabelle Steinke, Thibault Hiron, Denis Duft und Thomas Leisner
18:30 |
UP 9.24 |
Investigating the tropical tropopause layer (TTL) using the NASA Global Hawk: First DOAS results from the ATTREX test mission in fall 2011 — •Bodo Werner, Klaus Pfeilsticker, Max Spolaor, and Jochen Stutz
18:30 |
UP 9.25 |
Determination of Continuous Urban Trace Gas Distribution Maps such as NO2, O3 and SO2 Using Tomographic LP-DOAS Measurements — •Denis Pöhler, Andreas Hartl, and Ulrich Platt
18:30 |
UP 9.26 |
Comparison of Tropospheric Ozone Columns as seen by SCIAMACHY using limb-nadir-matching with tropospheric Ozone Columns as seen from OMI/MLS — •Stefan Bötel, Annette Ladstätter-Weißenmayer, Felix Ebojie, Christian von Savigny, and John P. Burrows
18:30 |
UP 9.27 |
A mobile FTIR system for ground-based total-column measurements of greenhouse gases — •Sabrina Niebling, Marc Geibel, and Dietrich Feist
18:30 |
UP 9.28 |
MAX-DOAS and CE-DOAS Measurements on RV Sonne during the SHIVA campaign — •Johannes Lampel, Martin Horbanski, Denis Pöhler, Enno Peters, Folkard Wittrock, Udo Frieß, and Ulrich Platt
18:30 |
UP 9.29 |
Vergleich der Sichtweitenmesstechnik für den Offshore-Einsatz — •Jörg Bendfeld
18:30 |
UP 9.30 |
Analyse ausgewählter Nebelereignisse für Offshore-Standorte — •Jörg Bendfeld, Stefan Balluf und Benedikt Liebing
18:30 |
UP 9.31 |
The Linear Mirror — Hans Graßmann, Giulia Pesaro, Elvis Kapllaj, •Dan Wargulski, and Barbara Sandow