Göttingen 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 10: Elektroschwache Physik (Theorie)
Montag, 27. Februar 2012, 16:45–18:30, VG 3.103
16:45 |
T 10.1 |
Wγ production at the LHC at NLO — Stefan Dittmaier and •Markus Hecht
17:00 |
T 10.2 |
NLO-QCD corrections to WZ and Wγ-production — •Johannes Bellm
17:15 |
T 10.3 |
Gauge Boson Pair Production at the Large Hadron Collider — •Anastasia Bierweiler, Tobias Kasprzik, Johann Kühn, and Sandro Uccirati
17:30 |
T 10.4 |
Weak boson production via vector-boson fusion @ NLO matched with Powheg — Carlo Oleari, •Franziska Schissler, and Dieter Zeppenfeld
17:45 |
T 10.5 |
Top-Quark-induzierte Higgs-Strahlung — Oliver Brein, Robert Harlander, Marius Wiesemann und •Tom Zirke
18:00 |
T 10.6 |
QED-Korrekturen zur Topquarkpaarproduktion — •Karina Bzheumikhova, Ralf Sattler und Peter Uwer
18:15 |
T 10.7 |
Renormalization Group Equations of the Gauge Couplings in the Standard Model at Three-Loop Order — Luminita Mihaila, •Jens Salomon, and Matthias Steinhauser