Göttingen 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 13: QCD (Theorie) 3
Donnerstag, 1. März 2012, 16:45–19:00, VG 3.103
16:45 |
T 13.1 |
Numerical evaluation of multi-loop integrals — •Sophia Borowka, Jonathon Carter, and Gudrun Heinrich
17:00 |
T 13.2 |
Two loop corrections for single top quark production — •Mohammad Assadsolimani, Philipp Kant, Bas Tausk, and Peter Uwer
17:15 |
T 13.3 |
Integrating massive 3-loop diagrams with operator insertions — •Johannes Blümlein and Fabian Wißbrock
17:30 |
T 13.4 |
Simultaneous decoupling of bottom and charm quarks — Andrey Grozin, Maik Höschele, •Jens Hoff, and Matthias Steinhauser
17:45 |
T 13.5 |
Running of αs in a momentum subtraction scheme — •Maik Höschele and Matthias Steinhauser
18:00 |
T 13.6 |
Current Correlators and the Differential Equation Method — •Jonathan Grigo, Jens Hoff, Peter Marquard, and Matthias Steinhauser
18:15 |
T 13.7 |
Three Loop Contributions to the Matrix Elements in the Variable Flavor Number Scheme — Johannes Blümlein, •Alexander Hasselhuhn, and Carsten Schneider
18:30 |
T 13.8 |
Decay Rate of the Z-boson into hadrons at O(αs4) — •Pavel Baikov, Konstantin Chetyrkin, Johann Kühn, and Jörg Rittinger
18:45 |
T 13.9 |
OPE of the energy momentum tensor correlator in QCD — •Max Zoller