Göttingen 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 15: Beyond the Standard Model (Theorie) 1
Montag, 27. Februar 2012, 16:45–19:00, VG 3.102
16:45 |
T 15.1 |
Supersymmetric cascade decays at NLO — •Eva Popenda, Margarete Mühlleitner, Christian Hangst, Michael Krämer, and Michael Spira
17:00 |
T 15.2 |
Implementation of qq-production in the POWHEG-BOX — •Christian Hangst, Michael Krämer, Margarete Mühlleitner, Eva Popenda, and Michael Spira
17:15 |
T 15.3 |
Same-Sign Top Quark Production within the Flavour Violating MSSM — •Yasmin Anstruther, Michael Rauch, and Dieter Zeppenfeld
17:30 |
T 15.4 |
√ŝmin resurrected — •Tania Robens
17:45 |
T 15.5 |
Distorted Mass Edges at LHC — •Daniel Wiesler and Juergen Reuter
18:00 |
T 15.6 |
Spin effects in the antler topology at hadron colliders — •Lisa Edelhäuser
18:15 |
T 15.7 |
Long-lived staus in a simplified model approach at the LHC — •Jan Heisig, Joern Kersten, and Boris Panes
18:30 |
T 15.8 |
Anomalous Top Couplings in Whizard 2 — •Fabian Bach and Thorsten Ohl
18:45 |
T 15.9 |
A generalized Narrow-Width Approximation for interference effects in the MSSM — •Elina Fuchs, Georg Weiglein, and Silja Brensing