Göttingen 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 17: Beyond the Standard Model (Theorie) 3
Mittwoch, 29. Februar 2012, 16:45–18:45, VG 3.102
16:45 |
T 17.1 |
Asymptotically safe gravitons at the LHC7 — Gudrun Hiller, •Jan Philipp Dabruck, Daniel Litim, and Maximilian Demmel
17:00 |
T 17.2 |
Can there still be chiral fermions beyond the Standard Model? — •Alexander Knochel
17:15 |
T 17.3 |
SU(3)-Flavons in Pati-Salam-GUTs — •Florian Hartmann, Wolfgang Kilian, and Karsten Schnitter
17:30 |
T 17.4 |
Electroweak Corrections to Decoupling Coefficients in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model — •David Kunz, Luminita Mihaila, Jens Salomon, and Matthias Steinhauser
17:45 |
T 17.5 |
Decoupling relations and coefficient functions in SUSY-QCD to three loops — •Alexander Kurz, Matthias Steinhauser, and Nikolai Zerf
18:00 |
T 17.6 |
(contribution withdrawn) Phenomenology of the constrained Exceptional Supersymmetric Standard Model (cE6SSM) — •Alexander Voigt
18:15 |
T 17.7 |
Constraints on SUSY Breaking in SUSY SU(5) — •Karsten Schnitter
18:30 |
T 17.8 |
(contribution withdrawn) Supersymmetric E6 Spectra from an R2/632 Orbifold — •Felix Braam, Alexander Knochel, Jürgen Reuter, and Daniel Wiesler