Göttingen 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 19: Flavourphysik (Theorie) 2
Freitag, 2. März 2012, 08:25–10:30, VG 3.102
08:25 |
T 19.1 |
Squark Flavor Constraints from B→ K(*)l+l− — Christian Gross, Gudrun Hiller, and •Stefan Schacht
08:40 |
T 19.2 |
Radiative lepton flavour violation in SUSY GUT models — Markus Bobrowski, •Wolfgang G. Hollik, and Ulrich Nierste
08:55 |
T 19.3 |
Flavor Physics in the Randall Sundrum Model — •Raoul Malm
09:10 |
T 19.4 |
A Solution to the Flavor Problem in Warped Extra Dimensions — •Martin Bauer, Raoul Malm, and Matthias Neubert
09:25 |
T 19.5 |
Re-Analysis of Direct Searches for a Fourth Generation of Quarks at Tevatron — Heiko Lacker, •Geoffrey Herbert, Andreas Menzel, Fabian Spettel, and Peter Uwer
09:40 |
T 19.6 |
Radiative Wilson Coefficients in Warped Extra Dimensions — •Christoph Schmell
09:55 |
T 19.7 |
Constraining UED mass spectra with electroweak precision tests and flavor physics — •Thomas Flacke and Christian Pasold
10:10 |
T 19.8 |
Can a fourth fermion family be ruled out? — •Otto Eberhardt, Geoffrey Herbert, Heiko Lacker, Alexander Lenz, Andreas Menzel, Ulrich Nierste, and Martin Wiebusch