Göttingen 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 20: Astroteilchenphysik und Kosmologie (Theorie)
Montag, 27. Februar 2012, 16:45–19:00, VG 3.101
16:45 |
T 20.1 |
Loop-induced photon spectral lines from neutralino annihilation in the NMSSM. — •Guillaume Chalons and Andreï Semenov
17:00 |
T 20.2 |
Constraints from electroweak bremsstrahlung and prospects for gamma ray detection — Mathias Garny, Alejandro Ibarra, and •Stefan Vogl
17:15 |
T 20.3 |
(contribution withdrawn) Spectral features in indirect dark matter searches — •Francesca Calore, Torsten Bringmann, Gilles Vertongen, and Christoph Weniger
17:30 |
T 20.4 |
(contribution withdrawn) Sommerfeld enhancement effect in neutralino relic abundance calculations — Martin Beneke, •Charlotte Hellmann, and Pedro Ruiz-Femenia
17:45 |
T 20.5 |
Impact of SUSY-QCD Corrections to Neutralino-Squark Coannihilation on the Dark Matter Relic Density — •Julia Harz, Björn Herrmann, Michael Klasen, Karol Kovařík, and Quentin Le Boulc’h
18:00 |
T 20.6 |
Constraints on Dark Matter Annihilation from the Rare B Decay Bs → µ+µ− in the MSSM with Sources of Non-Minimal Flavor Violation — •Christoph Borschensky, Guillaume Chalons, Florian Domingo, and Ulrich Nierste
18:15 |
T 20.7 |
Lorentz Invariance Violation and Chemical Composition of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays — •Andrey Saveliev, Luca Maccione, and Günter Sigl
18:30 |
T 20.8 |
Simulation ultra-hochenergetischer kosmischer Teilchen im Universum im Vergleich mit Messungen — Martin Erdmann, •Gero Müller, David Walz und Tobias Winchen
18:45 |
T 20.9 |
Cosmic Rays in the Galactic Magnetic Field — •Arjen René van Vliet