Göttingen 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 21: Astroteilchenphysik, Kosmologie / Neutrinophysik (Theorie)
Dienstag, 28. Februar 2012, 16:45–19:00, VG 3.101
16:45 |
T 21.1 |
Light Neutralino in the MSSM: a playground for dark matter, flavor physics and collider experiments — Lorenzo Calibbi, •Toshihiko Ota, and Yasutaka Takanishi
17:00 |
T 21.2 |
Alternatives to WIMP dark matter — •carlos yaguna
17:15 |
T 21.3 |
B-L Breaking as the Origin of the Hot Early Universe — Wilfried Buchmüller, •Valerie Domcke, and Kai Schmitz
17:30 |
T 21.4 |
Nonequilibrium approach to |Δ L|=2 scattering processes in leptogenesis — •Tibor Frossard, Mathias Garny, Andreas Hohenegger, Alexander Kartavtsev, and David Mitrouskas
17:45 |
T 21.5 |
Direct Detection of Dark Matter in Radiative Seesaw Model — •Daniel Schmidt, Thomas Schwetz, and Takashi Toma
18:00 |
T 21.6 |
Constraining neutrinoless double beta decay — •Luis Dorame, Davide Meloni, Stefano Morisi, Eduardo Peinado, and Jose Valle
18:15 |
T 21.7 |
Sterile Neutrinos for Warm Dark Matter and the Reactor Anomaly in Flavor Symmetry Models — •James Barry, Werner Rodejohann, and He Zhang
18:30 |
T 21.8 |
Natural Vacuum Alignment from Group Theory: The Minimal Case — •Martin Holthausen and Michael A. Schmidt
18:45 |
T 21.9 |
Beyond the SM Δ L = 2 Operators and Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay — •Dominik Neuenfeld, Michael Dürr, and Manfred Lindner