Göttingen 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 22: Quantenfeldtheorie
Mittwoch, 29. Februar 2012, 16:45–19:00, VG 3.101
16:45 |
T 22.1 |
The three-loop form factor in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory — Thomas Gehrmann, Johannes Henn, and •Tobias Huber
17:00 |
T 22.2 |
Color guided amplitudes — •Johannes Brödel and Lance J. Dixon
17:15 |
T 22.3 |
New relations for scattering amplitudes in Yang-Mills theory at loop level — •Reinke Sven Isermann and Rutger Boels
17:30 |
T 22.4 |
Conformal Field Theory with background H-flux and T-duality — Ralph Blumenhagen, •Andreas Deser, Dieter Lüst, Erik Plauschinn, and Felix Rennecke
17:45 |
T 22.5 |
On stability and transport of cold holographic matter — •Shu Lin, Johanna Erdmenger, Jonathan Shock, Steffen Müller, Andy O’Bannon, and Martin Ammon
18:00 |
T 22.6 |
Towards a Holographic Realization of Homes’ Law — Martin Ammon, Johanna Erdmenger, •Steffen Müller, Andy O’Bannon, and Patrick Kerner
18:15 |
T 22.7 |
Beyond the unitarity bound in AdS/CFT(A)dS — Tomás Andrade and •Christoph Uhlemann
18:30 |
T 22.8 |
Matching coefficients of thermal QCD — •Ioan Ghişoiu
18:45 |
T 22.9 |
Lorentz violation in the photon sector: parity-odd modified Maxwell theory — •Marco Schreck