Göttingen 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 23: Gittereichtheorie
Donnerstag, 1. März 2012, 16:45–18:15, VG 3.101
16:45 |
T 23.1 |
Correlation functions of atomic nuclei in Lattice QCD — Zoltán Fodor, •Jana Günther, Balint Toth, and Lukas Varnhorst
17:00 |
T 23.2 |
QCD phase transition at finite temperature? — Szabolcs Borsányi, Zoltán Fodor, Jana Günther, Christian Hölbling, Sándor D. Katz, Thorsten Kurth, Kalman Szabo, and •Lukas Varnhorst
17:15 |
T 23.3 |
Confining dyon gas with finite-volume effects under control — •Benjamin Maier, Falk Bruckmann, Simon Dinter, Ernst-Michael Ilgenfritz, Michael Müller-Preußker, and Marc Wagner
17:30 |
T 23.4 |
Recent results in a chirally invariant Higgs-Yukawa model — •Attila Nagy, John Bulava, Philipp Gerhold, Karl Jansen, and Jim Kallarackal
17:45 |
T 23.5 |
η,η′ mesons in 2+1+1 twisted mass lattice QCD — Konstantin Ottnad, Carsten Urbach, and •Falk Zimmermann
18:00 |
T 23.6 |
MCRG Flow for the Nonlinear Sigma Model — •Daniel Körner