Göttingen 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 92: Gammaastronomie 4
Donnerstag, 1. März 2012, 16:45–19:00, ZHG 008
16:45 |
T 92.1 |
VERITAS observations of very high energy emission from B2 1215+30 — •Heike Prokoph
17:00 |
T 92.2 |
IC 310 - A head-tail radio galaxy? — •Dorit Eisenacher
17:15 |
T 92.3 |
VERITAS follow-up observations of GRBs detected by Fermi and Swift — •Christian Skole
17:30 |
T 92.4 |
Search for Very-High-Energy Gamma-Ray Emission from GRB100621A with H.E.S.S. — •Dirk Lennarz, Paula Chadwick, Wilfried Domainko, Gavin Rowell, Thomas Tam, Yves Gallant, Dieter Horns, Gerd Pühlhofer, Christian Stegmann, and Stefan Wagner
17:45 |
T 92.5 |
Discovery of VHE gamma-ray emission from the direction of the globular cluster Terzan 5 — •Wilfried Domainko, Andre-Claude Clapson, Francois Brun, Peter Eger, Marek Jamrozy, and Michal Dyrda
18:00 |
T 92.6 |
Investigation of the energy spectrum of blazars based on the measured data from Markarian 501 — •Michaela Voth and Julia K. Becker
18:15 |
T 92.7 |
MAGIC stereoscopic observations of Markarian 421 during high source activity in January 2010 — •Burkhard Steinke, Andrea Boller, and David Paneque
18:30 |
T 92.8 |
Observations of W51 with the MAGIC Telescopes — •Julian Krause, Ignasi Reichardt, and Emiliano Carmona
18:45 |
T 92.9 |
Probing The Dark Matter Halo With the Future CTA Observatory — •Emrah Birsin, Constanze Jahn, Ullrich Schwanke, and Gerrit Spengler