16:30 |
A 40.1 |
Direct synthesis of light polarization for state-dependent transport of atoms — •Anna Hambitzer and Sebastian Hild
16:30 |
A 40.2 |
Beyond the Hubbard model: best effective single dressed band description of interacting atoms in optical lattices — •Ulf Bissbort, Frank Deuretzbacher, and Walter Hofstetter
16:30 |
A 40.3 |
Dynamical molecules in interacting quantum walks — Andre Ahlbrecht, Volkher B. Scholz, Albert H. Werner, Reinhard F. Werner, •Andrea Alberti, and Dieter Meschede
16:30 |
A 40.4 |
Atomic collisions with high angular momenta interactions in axially symmetric geometries — •Panagiotis Giannakeas, Vladimir Melezhik, and Peter Schmelcher
16:30 |
A 40.5 |
Cold, Magnetically-Trapped Br Atoms — William Doherty, •Jessica Lam, Christopher Rennick, and Tim Softley
16:30 |
A 40.6 |
Dark-bright ring solitons in Bose-Einstein condensates — •Jan Stockhofe, Panayotis G. Kevrekidis, Dimitri J. Frantzeskakis, and Peter Schmelcher
16:30 |
A 40.7 |
Hybrid quantum systems of Ultracold Atoms and Superconductors — •Helge Hattermann, Florian Jessen, Simon Bernon, Daniel Cano, Daniel Bothner, Martin Knufinke, Matthias Kemmler, Reinhold Kleiner, Dieter Koelle, and Jozsef Fortagh
16:30 |
A 40.8 |
Degenerate mixtures of ultracold 40K-6Li Fermions in low dimensions — •Franz Sievers, Norman Kretzschmar, Diogo Fernandes, Frederic Chevy, and Christophe Salomon
16:30 |
A 40.9 |
Numerical solutions for Bose-Einstein condensates in PT symmetric double well potentials — •Daniel Haag, Dennis Dast, Holger Cartarius, and Günter Wunner
16:30 |
A 40.10 |
Variational methods for Bose-Einstein condensates in PT symmetric double well potentials — •Dennis Dast, Daniel Haag, Holger Cartarius, and Günter Wunner
16:30 |
A 40.11 |
GG-TOP a multidisciplinary atom interferometry project — •Alexander Niggebaum, Tristan Valenzuela, Vincent Boyer, and Kai Bongs
16:30 |
A 40.12 |
Emergence of exotic condensates from a melting bosonic Mott insulator in a 2D optical lattice — •Ulrike Bornheimer, Julia Wernsdorfer, and Walter Hofstetter
16:30 |
A 40.13 |
Millikelvin System for Hybrid Quantum Devices — •Florian Jessen, Martin Knufinke, Petra Vergien, Helge Hattermann, Simon Bernon, Tobias Gaber, Matthias Kemmler, Dieter Kölle, Reinhold Kleiner, and József Fortágh
16:30 |
A 40.14 |
Inelastic Confinement-Induced Resonances in Low-Dimensional Quantum Systems — •Simon Sala, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, and Alejandro Saenz
16:30 |
A 40.15 |
Few-fermion systems in multiple well potentials — •Vincent Klinkhamer, Friedhelm Serwane, Thomas Lompe, Gerhard Zürn, Andre Wenz, and Selim Jochim
16:30 |
A 40.16 |
(contribution withdrawn) Semiclassical Dynamics of Ultracold Bosons in Multiple Wells — •Lena Simon and Walter T. Strunz
16:30 |
A 40.17 |
Interaction of ultracold rubidium atoms with trapped OH−-ions — •Bastian Höltkemeier, Simone Götz, Matthias Weidemüller, Thorsten Best, Roland Wester, and Johannes Deiglmayr
16:30 |
A 40.18 |
Thermodynamic properties of 2D dipolar gases — •Alexey Filinov und Michael Bonitz
16:30 |
A 40.19 |
Anisotropic pair-superfluidity of trapped two-component Bose gases — •Yongqiang Li, Liang He, and Walter Hofstetter
16:30 |
A 40.20 |
Interference of a Rydberg-dressed Bose-Einstein condensate released from an optical lattice — •Lama Hamadeh, Weibin Li, and Igor Lesanovsky
16:30 |
A 40.21 |
Towards probing of fermionic quantum many body systems on the single atom level — •Martin Boll, Ahmed Omran, Thomas Gantner, Timon Hilker, Michael Lohse, Seth Coleman, Immanuel Bloch, and Christian Groß
16:30 |
A 40.22 |
Spin dynamics and Rydberg excitations on the single-atom level — •Peter Schauß, Takeshi Fukuhara Fukuhara, Marc Cheneau, Manuel Endres, Christian Gross, Stefan Kuhr, and Immanuel Bloch
16:30 |
A 40.23 |
Evaporation limited loading of an atomic trap — Markus Falkenau, •Valentin V Volchkov, Jahn Rührig, Hannes Gorniaczyk, Mesut Ceylan, Tilman Pfau, and Axel Griesmaier
16:30 |
A 40.24 |
Stability and Collapse of a 52Cr BEC in a 1D optical lattice — •Juliette Billy, Emanuel Henn, Stefan Müller, Holger Kadau, Thomas Maier, Matthias Schmitt, Mattia Jona-Lasinio, Luis Santos, Axel Griesmaier, and Tilman Pfau
16:30 |
A 40.25 |
Towards stable groundstate NaK molecules — •Zhenkai Lu, Nikolaus Buchheim, Ingo Laut, Tobias Schneider, Christoph Gohle, and Immanuel Bloch
16:30 |
A 40.26 |
Matter wave guiding through a photonic bandgap fiber — •Hannes Duncker, Lars Wacker, Patrick Windpassinger, and Klaus Sengstock
16:30 |
A 40.27 |
Non-linear and metastable dynamics of a Bose-Einstein condensate — •Holger Hauptmann, Sigmund Heller, Patrick Navez, Holger Kantz, and Walter Strunz
16:30 |
A 40.28 |
Cooling and trapping erbium atoms — •Patrizia Weiß, Florian Jessen, Claus Zimmermann, and József Fortágh
16:30 |
A 40.29 |
A new lattice setup for a three-component Fermi gas — •Johanna Bohn, Thomas Lompe, Martin Ries, Friedhelm Serwane, Juliana Stachurska, Andre Wenz, Gerhard Zürn, and Selim Jochim
16:30 |
A 40.30 |
Interaction quenches in a one-dimensional Bose gas — •Fedja Oručević, Anton Piccardo-Selg, Gal Aviv, Susanne Pielawa, Thomas Fernholz, and Peter Krüger
16:30 |
A 40.31 |
Collisions of ultracold Rb2 triplet molecules — •Markus Deiss, Björn Drews, Manuel Thoma, Benjamin Deissler, and Johannes Hecker Denschlag
16:30 |
A 40.32 |
Phase control of optical lattice by the interferometer — •Amir Mohamamdi and Johannes Hecker Denschlag
16:30 |
A 40.33 |
Conduction of ultracold Fermions through a mesoscopic channel — •Sebastian Krinner, Jakob Meineke, Jean-Philippe Brantut, David Stadler, and Tilman Esslinger
16:30 |
A 40.34 |
Narrow-line magneto-optical trap for erbium: A simple approach for a complex atom — •Albert Frisch, Kiyotaka Aikawa, Michael Mark, Simon Baier, Rudolf Grimm, and Francesca Ferlaino