A 49: Ultra-cold plasmas and Rydberg systems
Friday, March 16, 2012, 14:00–15:30, V57.03
14:00 |
A 49.1 |
Dynamical phases and intermittency of a dissipative Rydberg lattice gas — •Cenap Ates, Beatriz Olmos, Juan P. Garrahan, and Igor Lesanovsky
14:15 |
A 49.2 |
Realization of Newton's cradle with interaction-blockaded atom clouds — Sebastian Möbius, •Michael Genkin, Sebastian Wüster, Alexander Eisfeld, and Jan Michael Rost
14:30 |
A 49.3 |
Amplifying single impurities immersed in a gas of ultracold atoms — •Beatriz Olmos, Weibin Li, Sebastian Hofferberth, and Igor Lesanovsky
14:45 |
A 49.4 |
Many body physics using alkaline-earth atoms — •Rick Mukherjee, James Millen, Rejish Nath, Matthew Jones, and Thomas Pohl
15:00 |
A 49.5 |
Three-Photon Rydberg Excitation in a Thermal Vapour — •Christopher Carr, Kevin Weatherill, and Charles Adams
15:15 |
A 49.6 |
A fat Schrödinger's cat of Rydberg dressed atomic clouds — Sebastian Möbius, Michael Genkin, Alexander Eisfeld, •Sebastian Wüster, and Jan-Michael Rost