16:30 |
A 7.1 |
Precision spectroscopy of the 2S1/2−4P1/2 transition in atomic hydrogen — •Axel Beyer, Arthur Matveev, Christian G. Pathey, Janis Alnis, Randolf Pohl, Nikolai Kolachevsky, Thomas Udem, and Theodor W. Hänsch
16:45 |
A 7.2 |
A sub-40 mHz linewidth laser based on a single-crystal silicon optical cavity — •Christian Hagemann, Thomas Kessler, Thomas Legero, Uwe Sterr, Fritz Riehle, Michael J. Martin, Lisheng Chen, and Jun Ye
17:00 |
A 7.3 |
Optical Frequency Transfer via 920 km Fiber Link with 10−19 Relative Accuracy — •Stefan Droste, Katharina Predehl, Janis Alnis, Theodor W. Hänsch, Thomas Udem, Ronald Holzwarth, Sebastian M. F. Raupach, Osama Terra, Thomas Legero, Harald Schnatz, and Gesine Grosche
17:15 |
A 7.4 |
Precision phase measurement of an optical resonator with a high FSR squeezer — •Timo Denker, Maximilian Wimmer, Dirk Schütte, and Michèle Heurs
17:30 |
A 7.5 |
An Ultra-Stable Iodine-Based Frequency Reference for Space Applications — •Anja Keetman, Thilo Schuldt, Klaus Döringshoff, Matthias Reggentin, Evgeny V. Kovalchuk, Moritz Nagel, Achim Peters, and Claus Braxmaier
17:45 |
A 7.6 |
Interferometry-Based CTE Measurement Facility with Demonstrated 10 ppb/K Accuracy — •Ruven Spannagel, Martin Gohlke, Thilo Schuldt, Ulrich Johann, Dennis Weise, and Claus Braxmaier
18:00 |
A 7.7 |
A rigidly mounted and vibration insensitive optical reference cavity — •Sebastian Häfner, Stefan Vogt, Stephan Falke, Christian Lisdat, and Uwe Sterr
18:15 |
A 7.8 |
Towards Testing General Relativity with a dual species interferometer — •Jonas Hartwig, Dennis Schlippert, Ulrich Velte, Daniel Tiarks, Sven Ganske, Olga Lysov, Ernst Maria Rasel, and Wolfgang Ertmer
18:30 |
A 7.9 |
A hybrid on-chip optonanomechanical transducer for ultra-sensitive force measurements — •Emanuel Gavartin, Pierre Verlot, and Tobias J. Kippenberg
18:45 |
A 7.10 |
A membrane in a Michelson-Sagnac interferometer with balanced homodyne detection readout — •Andreas Sawadsky, Henning Kaufer, Ramon Moghadas, Daniel Friedrich, Tobias Westphal, and Roman Schnabel