Stuttgart 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 11: Präzisionsmessungen und Metrologie 2
Montag, 12. März 2012, 14:00–16:00, V7.03
14:00 |
Q 11.1 |
Technology development in Hannover for the space-based gravitational wave detector LISA — •Michael Tröbs, Simon Barke, Johanna Bogenstahl, Iouri Bykov, Christian Diekmann, Juan Jose Esteban, Oliver Gerberding, Joachim Kullmann, Maike Lieser, Jens Reiche, Gerhard Heinzel, and Karsten Danzmann
14:30 |
Q 11.2 |
Status of the GEO600 gravitational-wave detector — •Mirko Prijatelj and for the Geo600 Team
15:00 |
Q 11.3 |
Status of the AEI 10m Prototype facility for interferomtry studies — •Tobias Westphal for the AEI 10m prototype
15:15 |
Q 11.4 |
Key Optical Metrology Technologies for LISA — •Martin Gohlke, Thilo Schuldt, Ulrich Johann, Achim Peters, Claus Braxmaier, and Dennis Weise
15:30 |
Q 11.5 |
Testing the optical bench for LISA — •Maike Lieser, Christian Diekmann, Johanna Bogenstahl, Michael Tröbs, Gerhard Heinzel, and Karsten Danzmann
15:45 |
Q 11.6 |
Seismic isolation for the 10m Prototype — •Gerald Bergmann for the AEI 10m Prototype Team