Stuttgart 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 17: Kalte Atome: Fallen und Kühlung
Montag, 12. März 2012, 16:30–19:00, V7.02
16:30 |
Q 17.1 |
Towards a two-species quantum degenerate gas of 6Li and 133Cs atoms and molecules — •Marc Repp, Rico Pires, Juris Ulmanis, Robert Heck, Romain Müller, Stefan Schmidt, and Matthias Weidemüller
16:45 |
Q 17.2 |
Microwave guiding of electrons in planar quadrupole guides — •Johannes Hoffrogge, Jakob Hammer, and Peter Hommelhoff
17:00 |
Q 17.3 |
Shaping the evanescent field of an optical nano-fiber for cold atom trapping — •Ciaran Phelan, Tara Hennessy, and Thomas Busch
17:15 |
Q 17.4 |
Creating atom-number states around tapered optical fibres by loading from an optical lattice — •Tara Hennessy and Thomas Busch
17:30 |
Q 17.5 |
Interplay of cavity and EIT-cooling with neutral atoms in an optical resonator — •René Reimann, Wolfgang Alt, Tobias Kampschulte, Sebastian Manz, Seokchan Yoon, and Dieter Meschede
17:45 |
Q 17.6 |
Cooling of a trapped atomic two-level system in a driven optical resonator — •Marc Bienert and Giovanna Morigi
18:00 |
Q 17.7 |
Cavity cooling below the recoil limit — •Matthias Wolke, Hans Keßler, Jens Klinder, and Andreas Hemmerich
18:15 |
Q 17.8 |
Realization of a two-species 40K and 87Rb 2D+MOT — •Tracy Li, Lucia Duca, Monika Schleier-Smith, Martin Boll, Martin Reitter, Jens Philipp Ronzheimer, Ulrich Schneider, and Immanuel Bloch
18:30 |
Q 17.9 |
Realization of a magneto-optical trap for erbium atoms — •Jens Ulitzsch, Henning Brammer, Riad Bourouis, and Martin Weitz
18:45 |
Q 17.10 |
Zeeman slower with permanent magnets — •Stefan Vogt, Stephan Falke, Uwe Sterr, and Christian Lisdat