Stuttgart 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 2: Quanteninformation: Konzepte und Methoden 1
Montag, 12. März 2012, 10:30–12:45, V7.03
10:30 |
Q 2.1 |
Towards classification of multipartite entanglement — •Cornelia Spee, Julio de Vicente, and Barbara Kraus
10:45 |
Q 2.2 |
Behavior of Quantum Correlations under Local Noise — •Alexander Streltsov, Hermann Kampermann, and Dagmar Bruß
11:00 |
Q 2.3 |
Characteristic Properties of Fibonacci-Based Mutually Unbiased Bases — •Ulrich Seyfarth, Kedar Ranade, and Gernot Alber
11:15 |
Q 2.4 |
Scaling of genuine multipartite entanglement in one dimensional spin chains — •Martin Hofmann and Otfried Gühne
11:30 |
Q 2.5 |
Purification to locally maximally entanglable states — •Tatjana Carle, Julio de Vicente, and Barbara Kraus
11:45 |
Q 2.6 |
Entanglement spectrum and boundary theories with projected entangled-pair states — Ignacio Cirac, Didier Poilblanc, •Norbert Schuch, and Frank Verstraete
12:00 |
Q 2.7 |
Accessible nonlinear entanglement witnesses. — •Oleg Gittsovich, Juan Miguel Arrazola, and Norbert Lütkenhaus
12:15 |
Q 2.8 |
Gaussification and entanglement distillation of continuous variable systems: a unifying picture — •Earl Campbell and Jens Eisert
12:30 |
Q 2.9 |
Multipartite entanglement in Grover’s algorithm — •Matteo Rossi, Dagmar Bruss, and Chiara Macchiavello