10:30 |
Q 44.1 |
X-ray laser spectroscopy at the free-electron laser LCLS — •José R. Crespo López-Urrutia
11:00 |
Q 44.2 |
Test of fundamental physics with highly charged ions — •Z. Harman, C. Beilmann, J. R. Crespo López-Urrutia, S. Sturm, V. Yerokhin, J. Zatorski, K. Blaum, J. Ullrich, and C. H. Keitel
11:30 |
Q 44.3 |
Accurate spectroscopic references near 488 nm — •Sebastian Albrecht, Heiko Jestädt, Sanah Altenburg, Tobias Murböck, Manuel Vogel, Gerhard Birkl, and the SPECTRAP collaboration
11:45 |
Q 44.4 |
Laserspektroskopie an relativistischen 209-Bi82+ und 209-Bi80+ Ionen am Speicherring ESR der GSI — •Christopher Geppert, Matthias Lochmann, Rodolfo M. Sanchez, Michael Hammen, Nadja Frömmgen, Elisa Will, Benjamin Botermann, Zoran Andjelkovic, Raphael Jöhren, Jonas Mader, Volker Hannen, Christian Weinheimer, Danyal Winters, Thomas Kühl, Yuri Litvinov, Thomas Stöhlker, Andreas Dax, Michael Bussmann, Weiqiang Wen, Richard Thompson und Wilfried Nörtershäuser
12:00 |
Q 44.5 |
Test of many-electron QED effects in the presence of magnetic fields — •Andrey Volotka, Dmitry Glazov, Oleg Andreev, Vladimir Shabaev, Ilya Tupitsyn, and Günter Plunien
12:15 |
Q 44.6 |
Production of Be+ crystals in a cryogenic Paul trap for the sympathetic cooling of highly charged ions — •Alexander Windberger, Maria Schwarz, Oscar O. Versolato, José R. Crespo López-Urrutia, Alexander D. Gingell, Anders K. Hansen, Magnus A. Sørensen, Michael Drewsen, Piet O. Schmidt, and Joachim Ullrich