Stuttgart 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 49: Quanteninformation: Konzepte und Methoden 5
Donnerstag, 15. März 2012, 14:00–16:00, V7.01
14:00 |
Q 49.1 |
Local decoherence models and the robustness of multipartite quantum entanglement — •Mazhar Ali and Otfried Guehne
14:15 |
Q 49.2 |
A dissipative quantum Church-Turing theorem — •Martin Kliesch, Thomas Barthel, Christian Gogolin, Michael Kastoryano, and Jens Eisert
14:30 |
Q 49.3 |
Quasi-locality and efficient simulation of Markovian quantum dynamics — •Thomas Barthel and Martin Kliesch
14:45 |
Q 49.4 |
Thermalization under randomized local Hamiltonians — •Marcus Cramer
15:00 |
Q 49.5 |
(contribution withdrawn) Entanglement dynamics in local many-sided noisy channels — •Michael Siomau and Ali Kamli
15:15 |
Q 49.6 |
Quantifying entanglement via static structure factors — •Hermann Kampermann, Marcus Cramer, Fabian Wolf, Oliver Marty, Alexander Streltsov, Martin Plenio, and Dagmar Bruß
15:30 |
Q 49.7 |
Characterization of highly efficient up-conversion from 1550 nm to 532 nm — •Christoph Baune, Christina E. Vollmer, Aiko Samblowski, Jaromír Fiurášek, and Roman Schnabel
15:45 |
Q 49.8 |
Probability amplitudes of two-level atoms beyond the rotating wave approximation: Quantization of Rabi frequency — •Armen Hayrapetyan and Stephan Fritzsche