Stuttgart 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 50: Kalte Atome: Manipulation und Detektion
Donnerstag, 15. März 2012, 14:00–16:00, V7.03
14:00 |
Q 50.1 |
Fibre-optical tweezers to preparate and interface single atoms — •Dominik Maxein, Sébastien Garcia, Leander Hohmann, Jakob Reichel, and Romain Long
14:15 |
Q 50.2 |
Quantum computation with ultracold atoms in driven optical lattices — •Philipp-Immanuel Schneider and Alejandro Saenz
14:30 |
Q 50.3 |
Temperature measurement of ultracold atoms using electromagnetically induced transparency — •Frank Blatt, Benjamin Wittrock, Thorsten Peters, Leonid Yatsenko, and Thomas Halfmann
14:45 |
Q 50.4 |
Quantum Memory Assisted Probing of Dynamical Spin Correlations — Oriol Romero-Isart, •Matteo Rizzi, Christine Muschik, Eugene Polzik, Maciej Lewenstein, and Anna Sanpera
15:00 |
Q 50.5 |
Classicality from the continuous measurement of a BEC in a double-well potential — •Moritz Hiller, Thomas Konrad, Magnus Rehn, Francesco Petruccione, and Andreas Buchleitner
15:15 |
Q 50.6 |
Efficient quantum state tomography of atoms in optical lattices — •Matthias Ohliger, Christian Gogolin, Vincent Nesme, and Jens Eisert
15:30 |
Q 50.7 |
Trapping and guiding atoms on a mesoscopic chip structure — •Jan Mahnke, Stefan Jöllenbeck, Ilka Geisel, Jan Arlt, Wolfgang Ertmer, and Carsten Klempt
15:45 |
Q 50.8 |
Formation of helical ion chains — •Ramil Nigmatullin, Adolfo del Campo, Gabriele de Chiara, Giovanna Morigi, Martin Plenio, and Alex Retzker