16:30 |
Q 54.1 |
Effect of Medium Acidity and Photostability of 3-(4-Dimethylamino-phenyl)-1-(2,5-dimethyl-thiophen-3-yl)-propenone DDTP): A New Green Emitting Laser Dye — •Khalid Alamry, Abdullah Asiri, Salman Khan, Samy El-Daly, and Mahmoud Hussein
16:30 |
Q 54.2 |
Hybrid quantum repeater with encoding — •Nadja Kolb Bernardes and Peter van Loock
16:30 |
Q 54.3 |
Quantitative Benchmarking of Quantum Error Correction Codes for Amplitude Damping — •Ricardo Wickert and Peter van Loock
16:30 |
Q 54.4 |
High-fidelity entanglement purification using chains of atoms and optical cavities — •Denis Gonta and Peter van Loock
16:30 |
Q 54.5 |
Long distance QKD enhanced by quantum repeaters with linear optics. — •Silvestre Abruzzo, Hermann Kampermann, and Dagmar Bruß
16:30 |
Q 54.6 |
Free Space Quantum Communication using Continuous Polarization Variables — •Bettina Heim, Christian Peuntinger, Fabian Sproll, Christoffer Wittmann, Christoph Marquardt, and Gerd Leuchs
16:30 |
Q 54.7 |
Concepts for a portable squeezed light source for use in quantum communication — •Christian Peuntinger, Stefan Berg-Johansen, Christian Gabriel, Bettina Heim, Christoph Marquardt, and Gerd Leuchs
16:30 |
Q 54.8 |
Investigating the feasibility of a practical Trojan-horse attack on a commercial quantum cryptosystem — •Nitin Jain, Elena Anisimova, Christoffer Wittmann, Christoph Marquardt, Vadim Makarov, and Gerd Leuchs
16:30 |
Q 54.9 |
Quantum key distribution on Hannover Campus — •Jörg Duhme, Torsten Franz, Reinhard F. Werner, Vitus Händchen, Tobias Eberle, and Roman Schnabel
16:30 |
Q 54.10 |
Cavity QED quantum interface — •Bernardo Casabone, Andreas Stute, Tracy Northup, and Rainer Blatt
16:30 |
Q 54.11 |
SPDC-basierte Einzelphotonenquellen für Anwendungen in der Quanteninformation — •Sabine Euler, Tobias Diehl und Thomas Walther
16:30 |
Q 54.12 |
Photoleitfähigkeit und Lasereffizienz von Yb:YAG Keramiken verschiedener Korngrößen im Vergleich mit Einkristallen — •Ulrike Wolters, Susanne T. Fredrich-Thornton, Luo Dewei, Jian Zhang, Klaus Petermann und Günter Huber
16:30 |
Q 54.13 |
Stickstoff-gekühlter Ytterbium-Faserverstärker bei 1015 nm — •Ruth Steinborn, Thomas Diehl, Andreas Koglbauer, Daniel Kolbe, Matthias Sattler, Matthias Stappel und Jochen Walz
16:30 |
Q 54.14 |
Kristallzüchtung und spektroskopische Untersuchungen von Ce:CaSc2O4 — •Matthias Fechner, Fabian Reichert, Klaus Petermann und Günter Huber
16:30 |
Q 54.15 |
Power scaling of an all-solid-state laser source for trapping lithium — •Andrea Bergschneider, Ulrich Eismann, Frédéric Chevy, and Christophe Salomon
16:30 |
Q 54.16 |
Untersuchung von holographischen Verstärkungsgittern in Nd:YAG — •Roland Ullmann, Robert Elsner, Axel Heuer, Ralf Menzel und Martin Ostermeyer
16:30 |
Q 54.17 |
Aufbau eines ECDL-basierten Sensors für die Konzentrationsmessung von Gasen — •Timothy Quincey, Thorsten Führer und Thomas Walther
16:30 |
Q 54.18 |
Efficient frequency doubling of laser light at 738 nm — •Thomas Collath, Michael Johanning, Ladislav Bohaty, Petra Becker, and Christof Wunderlich
16:30 |
Q 54.19 |
VUV generation in a hollow core fiber — •Andreas Koglbauer, Thomas Diehl, Daniel Kolbe, Matthias Sattler, Matthias Stappel, Ruth Steinborn, and Jochen Walz
16:30 |
Q 54.20 |
Numerical Investigation of Frequency Stable Coupling of Laser Oscillators via Gain Gratings — •Robert Elsner, Roland Ullmann, Axel Heuer, Ralf Menzel, and Martin Ostermeyer
16:30 |
Q 54.21 |
Intracavity absorption spectroscopy with a Nd-doped ZBLAN fiber laser in the spectral range from 1.32 to 1.35 µm — •Johannes Röhl, Svetlana Kuznetsova, Peter Fjodorow, Ortwin Hellmig, Benjamin Löhden, Klaus Sengstock, and Valery Baev
16:30 |
Q 54.22 |
Stimulierte Raman-Streuung in einem mikrofluidischen Kanal mittels integrierter Wellenleiter — •Claudia Hoffmann, Matthias Pospiech, Moritz Emons, Günter Rinke und Uwe Morgner
16:30 |
Q 54.23 |
Ein Brillouin-LIDAR zur Messung von Temperaturprofilen des Ozeans: Optimierung des ESFADOF-Pumpprozesses — •Vincenzo Talluto, Andreas Rudolf, Carl Böhmer und Thomas Walther
16:30 |
Q 54.24 |
Diffraction Unlimited Imaging of NV Centers in Diamond — •Pascal Heller, Andreas Häußler, and Fedor Jelezko
16:30 |
Q 54.25 |
Intensity measurement of strong laser beams using multi-photon Thomson scattering — Omri Har-Shemesh, •Felix Mackenroth, and Antonino Di Piazza
16:30 |
Q 54.26 |
Interferometric locking link between tunable cw lasers and frequency combs — •Erik Benkler, Felix Rohde, and Harald R. Telle
16:30 |
Q 54.27 |
Performance of the Advanced Ligo laser — •Patrick Oppermann, Christina Bogan, Jan Hendrik Pöld, Patrick Kwee, Benno Willke, and Karsten Danzmann
16:30 |
Q 54.28 |
Comprehensive study on Virtually Imaged Phased Arrays - experiment, theory and optical simulation — •Karsten Sperlich, Stephan Reiß, and Heinrich Stolz
16:30 |
Q 54.29 |
Laser feedback System for X-ray pump-probe experiments — •Dennis Goeries, Benjamin Dicke, Edgar Weckert, and Alke Meents
16:30 |
Q 54.30 |
Laser-induced front side etching using self-regenerating adsorber layer (SAL-LIFE) of fused silica — •Pierre Lorenz, Martin Ehrhardt, and Klaus Zimmer
16:30 |
Q 54.31 |
Einstufiges fs-Faserverstärkersystem mit 1 MHz Repetitionsrate und 80 µJ Pulsenergie — •Bernhard Kreipe, Marcel Schultze, Moritz Emons, Mathias Hoffmann und Uwe Morgner
16:30 |
Q 54.32 |
Acceleration of non-relativistic electrons at a dielectric grating structure — •John Breuer and Peter Hommelhoff
16:30 |
Q 54.33 |
Ultrafast electron emission from sharp tungsten tips using few-cycle infrared pulses — •Michael Förster, Sebastian Thomas, Markus Schenk, Michael Krüger, Lothar Maisenbacher, and Peter Hommelhoff
16:30 |
Q 54.34 |
Progress in metering the absolute phase — •Tim Rathje, A.Max Sayler, Max Möller, Daniel Adolph, Dominik Hoff, Walter Möller, Gero Stiebenz, and Gerhard G. Paulus
16:30 |
Q 54.35 |
Towards nonlinear optical microscopy with few-cycle laser pulses — •Wan Hui, Stefan Gomes da Costa, Hilton B. de Aguiar, Gabriel Tempea, and Andreas Volkmer
16:30 |
Q 54.36 |
An optimized Ultrafast Electron Diffraction setup to reach a high spatial and temporal resolution — •Silvio Morgenstern, Christian Gerbig, Vanessa Sporleder, Cristian Sarpe, Matthias Wollenhaupt, and Thomas Baumert
16:30 |
Q 54.37 |
Full characterization of ultrashort electron pulses — •Vanessa Sporleder, Christian Gerbig, Silvio Morgenstern, Cristian Sarpe, Matthias Wollenhaupt, and Thomas Baumert
16:30 |
Q 54.38 |
Gepulste-Laser-Deposition von ZnO: Random Lasing und Strukturanalyse der Schichten mit RHEED — •Mathias Hoffmann, Stefan Schrameyer, Mark Gyamfi, Detlev Ristau und Uwe Morgner
16:30 |
Q 54.39 |
Compression and control of ultra short laser pulses applying Phase Resolved Interferometric Spectral Modulation (PRISM) — •Tillmann Kalas, Hendrike Braun, Jens Köhler, Matthias Wollenhaupt, and Thomas Baumert
16:30 |
Q 54.40 |
Controlling ionization mechanisms in high band gap dielectrics via tailored femtosecond laser pulses. — •Thomas Winkler, Cristian Sarpe, Jens Köhler, Matthias Wollenhaupt, and Thomas Baumert
16:30 |
Q 54.41 |
THz-Erzeugung durch optische Gleichrichtung in LiNbO3 mit ultrakurzen Femtosekundenlaserpulsen — •Martin Richter, Maksim Kunitski, Mark Thomson, Arno Vredenborg, Jian Wu, Hartmut G. Roskos und Reinhard Dörner
16:30 |
Q 54.42 |
Tip-based electron source for femtosecond electron diffraction — •Jan-Paul Stein, Johannes Hoffrogge, Markus Schenk, Michael Krüger, Peter Baum, and Peter Hommelhoff
16:30 |
Q 54.43 |
Broadband degenerate four-wave mixing of optical vortex beams — Peter Hansinger, •Georgi Maleshkov, Dragomir N. Neshev, Alexander Dreischuh, and Gerhard G. Paulus
16:30 |
Q 54.44 |
Remote entanglement of distant single atoms — •Andreas Reiserer, Stephan Ritter, Christian Nölleke, Carolin Hahn, Andreas Neuzner, Manuel Uphoff, Martin Mücke, Eden Figueroa, Jörg Bochmann, and Gerhard Rempe
16:30 |
Q 54.45 |
Design considerations for an optical microfibre fabrication machine — •Christian Lützler, Marcel Spurny, Wolfgang Alt, and Dieter Meschede
16:30 |
Q 54.46 |
Bandbreitenreduzierung der stimulilerten Brillouin Streuung für ultrahochauflösende Spektroskopie von optischen Signalen — •Stefan Preußler, Andrzej Wiatrek, Kambiz Jamshidi und Thomas Schneider
16:30 |
Q 54.47 |
Entanglement of two single atoms over a distance of 20m — •Norbert Ortegel, Michael Krug, Julian Hofmann, Kai Redeker, Lea Gérard, Wenjamin Rosenfeld, Markus Weber, and Harald Weinfurter
16:30 |
Q 54.48 |
Highly efficient sub-microsecond Zeeman-state readout of Rb87 via state-selective ionization — •Kai Redeker, Norbert Ortegel, Lea Gérard, Michael Krug, Julian Hofmann, Florian Henkel, Wenjamin Rosenfeld, Markus Weber, and Harald Weinfurter
16:30 |
Q 54.49 |
Experimental investigation of thermal and mechanical properties of a subwavelength-diameter silica fiber — •Christian Wuttke and Arno Rauschenbeutel
16:30 |
Q 54.50 |
Nanofiber-based optical spectroscopy on emitter-doped crystals — •David Papencordt, Ariane Stiebeiner, Moritz Numrich, Ruth Garcia-Fernandez, and Arno Rauschenbeutel
16:30 |
Q 54.51 |
Controlling the radiative properties of molecules in a microresonator — •Andreas M. Kern, Alexey Chizhik, and Alfred J. Meixner
16:30 |
Q 54.52 |
Stability of nonlocal solitary waves in random nonlinear media — •Fabian Maucher, Wieslaw Krolikowski, and Stefan Skupin
16:30 |
Q 54.53 |
Müller Matrices of an arbitrarily oriented polarizer in three dimensions — •Tobias Kolb, Vanessa Chille, Jan Korger, Christoffer Wittmann, Andrea Aiello, Peter Banzer, Christoph Marquardt, and Gerd Leuchs
16:30 |
Q 54.54 |
Investigation of a Single Chiral Nano-Structure — •Paweł Woźniak, Sarah Fritsch, Peter Banzer, Katja Höflich, Silke Christiansen, and Gerd Leuchs
16:30 |
Q 54.55 |
Towards highly efficient whispering gallery supported THz detection — •Florian Sedlmeir, Dmitry V. Strekalov, Sebastian Bauerschmidt, Sascha Preu, Stefan Malzer, Gottfried H. Döhler, Harald G. L. Schwefel, and Gerd Leuchs
16:30 |
Q 54.56 |
Coupling color centers in diamond to optical fiber microcavities — Hanno Kaupp, Matthias Mader, •Louis Costa, Christian Deutsch, Jakob Reichel, Theodor W. Hänsch, and David Hunger
16:30 |
Q 54.57 |
Towards Cavity Nanoscopy — •Matthias Mader, Hanno Kaupp, Louis Costa, Christian Deutsch, Jakob Reichel, Theodor W. Hänsch, and David Hunger
16:30 |
Q 54.58 |
Nanodiamonds for biological application — •Anna Ermakova, Boris Naydenov, Fedor Jelezko, Rolf Reuter, Jörg Wrachtrup, Goutam Pramanik, and Tanja Weil
16:30 |
Q 54.59 |
Generation of a close to full solid angle dipole wave — •Marianne Bader, Andrea Golla, Benoît Chalopin, Irina Harder, Klaus Mantel, Robert Maiwald, Norbert Lindlein, Markus Sondermann, and Gerd Leuchs
16:30 |
Q 54.60 |
Setup for dissipative Optomechanics in a signal recycled Michelson-Sagnac Interferometer — •Ramon Moghadas Nia, Andreas Sawadsky, Henning Kaufer, André Xuereb, Klemens Hammerer, and Roman Schnabel
16:30 |
Q 54.61 |
Interaction of a single atom with an optomechanical resonator — •Juan Mauricio Torres and Marc Bienert
16:30 |
Q 54.62 |
A Non-Gaussian master equation for the optomechanical strong coupling regime — •Niels Lörch and Klemens Hammerer
16:30 |
Q 54.63 |
Quantum light generated by atomic arrays — •Hessam Habibian, Sergey Grishkevich, Stefano Zippilli, and Giovanna Morigi
16:30 |
Q 54.64 |
Semi-classical correlation functions in cavity QED — •James Alves de Souza, Haytham Chibani, Markus Koch, Christian Sames, Tatjana Wilk, Celso Jorge Villas-Boas, and Gerhard Rempe
16:30 |
Q 54.65 |
Kinetic approach to quantum radiation reaction — •Norman Neitz and Antonino Di Piazza
16:30 |
Q 54.66 |
Trapping states of the electromagnetic field. — •Melanie Rolles, Christian Arenz, and Giovanna Morigi
16:30 |
Q 54.67 |
Noise effects on Landau-Zener transitions in Bose-Einstein condensates — •Matthias Kraft, Stephan Burkhardt, and Sandro Wimberger
16:30 |
Q 54.68 |
Auf dem Weg zu Lasing Without Inversion in Quecksilber bei einer Wellenlänge von 253,7 nm bzw. 185 nm — •Benjamin Rein und Thomas Walther
16:30 |
Q 54.69 |
Optimized waveguide arrays for multiple walker continuous-time quantum walks with integrated photon-pair creation — •Fabian Katzschmann, Andreas Schreiber, Aurél Gábris, Craig Hamilton, Igor Jex, and Christine Silberhorn
16:30 |
Q 54.70 |
Manipulation of nuclear linewidths by coherent control and cooperative effects — •Sumanta Das, Adriana Pálffy, and Christoph H. Keitel
16:30 |
Q 54.71 |
Non-monotonic signatures of many-particle indistinguishability — •Malte C. Tichy, Young-Sik Ra, Hyang-Tag Lim, Osung Kwon, Florian Mintert, Yoon-Ho Kim, and Andreas Buchleitner
16:30 |
Q 54.72 |
Validity of the quantum regression formula for resonance fluorescence in a photonic crystal — •Geesche Boedecker and Carsten Henkel
16:30 |
Q 54.73 |
Spatial correlations of biphotons generated by parametric down conversion pumped with different transversal laser modes — •Dirk Puhlmann, Dietmar Korn, Axel Heuer, and Ralf Menzel
16:30 |
Q 54.74 |
Spin-light entanglement in an optical cavity — •Hessam Habibian, Stefano Zippilli, and Giovanna Morigi
16:30 |
Q 54.75 |
Asymptotic Long-Time Properties of Decoherence and Quantum Darwinism — •Nenad Balaneskovic, Gernot Alber, and Jaroslav Novotny
16:30 |
Q 54.76 |
Dynamics of two spins coupled to spin chain environment — •Pierre Wendenbaum, Bruno Taketani, Endre Kajari, Giovanna Morigi, and Dragi Karevski
16:30 |
Q 54.77 |
Quantum interference and entanglement of photons which do not overlap in time — Ralph Wiegner, Christoph Thiel, •Johannes Hölzl, Joachim von Zanthier, and Girish Agarwal
16:30 |
Q 54.78 |
Enhancement of block-block entanglement due to localized impurities in the 1D Fermi-Hubbard model — Tobias Brünner, Erich Runge, •Vivian França, and Andreas Buchleitner
16:30 |
Q 54.79 |
Characterization of a SPDC biphoton source pumped with high power cw-laser — •Henning Kurzke, Michael Seefeldt, Axel Heuer, and Ralf Menzel
16:30 |
Q 54.80 |
Entanglement Benchmarked Transport — •Dominik Hörndlein, Vivian França, and Andreas Buchleitner
16:30 |
Q 54.81 |
The Hong-Ou-Mandel effect in the context of few-photon scattering — •Paolo Longo and Kurt Busch
16:30 |
Q 54.82 |
Photon transport in one–dimensional systems coupled to three–level quantum impurities — •Christoph Martens, Paolo Longo, and Kurt Busch
16:30 |
Q 54.83 |
Multiplexed image storage by EIT in a doped solid — •Nina Rentzsch, Georg Heinze, Daniel Schraft, and Thomas Halfmann
16:30 |
Q 54.84 |
Light scattering by two atoms in a high finesse resonator — •Rick Dannert, Marc Bienert, and Giovanna Morigi
16:30 |
Q 54.85 |
A critical review of theories for quantum friction — •Gregor Pieplow, Harald R. Haakh, and Carsten Henkel
16:30 |
Q 54.86 |
Full Counting Statistics in one-dimensional waveguiding systems — •Matthias Moeferdt, Peter Schmitteckert, and Kurt Busch
16:30 |
Q 54.87 |
Apparatus to study collective scattering in cavity quantum electrodynamics — •Markus P. Baden, Kyle J. Arnold, and Murray D. Barrett
16:30 |
Q 54.88 |
Periodic orbit bunches in open billiard systems — •Thai Hien Tran, Jörg Main, and Günter Wunner
16:30 |
Q 54.89 |
The Quantum Free-Electron Laser and the Jaynes-Cummings model — Rainer Endrich, •Enno Giese, Paul Preiss, Roland Sauerbrey, Wolfgang P. Schleich, and M. Suhail Zubairy
16:30 |
Q 54.90 |
Optimally focusing wave packets of a free particle — •Christoph Tempel, Karl Vogel, Lev Plimak, and Wolfgang P. Schleich
16:30 |
Q 54.91 |
Ersatz für Ar+ Laser basierend auf einem Yb-Faserverstärker — •Tobias Beck und Thomas Walther
16:30 |
Q 54.92 |
Ein Brillouin-LIDAR zur Messung von Temperaturprofilen des Ozeans: Entwicklungsstand des gepulsten Faserverstärkers — •Robert Schulz, Andreas Rudolf und Thomas Walther