Stuttgart 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 57: Kalte Atome
Freitag, 16. März 2012, 10:30–12:30, V7.02
10:30 |
Q 57.1 |
Linear-zigzag transition in a quantum potential — •Cecilia Cormick and Giovanna Morigi
11:00 |
Q 57.2 |
Production of Antihydrogen via Double Charge Exchange — •Andreas Müllers, Daniel Fitzakerley, Robert McConnell, Jochen Walz, Eric Hessels, and Gerald Gabrielse
11:15 |
Q 57.3 |
Confinement induced resonance for a driven ultracold atom gas — •Maryam Roghani and Michael Thorwart
11:30 |
Q 57.4 |
Continuous Coupling of Ultracold Atoms to Ionic Plasma via Rydberg Excitation — •Torsten Manthey, Tobias Massimo Weber, Thomas Niederprüm, Philipp Langer, Vera Guarrera, Giovanni Barontini, and Herwig Ott
11:45 |
Q 57.5 |
Accelerated split-operator method for GPU simulations of 3D atomic dynamics — •Lee J. O' Riordan, Neil Crowley, Tadhg Morgan, Thomas Fernholz, Peter Krüger, and Thomas Busch
12:00 |
Q 57.6 |
Ultracold atoms in a disordered quantum potential — •Hessam Habibian, Simone Paganelli, and Giovanna Morigi
12:15 |
Q 57.7 |
A self-optimizing experimental apparatus — •Ilka Geisel, Stefan Jöllenbeck, Jan Mahnke, Kai Cordes, Wolfgang Ertmer, and Carsten Klempt