Stuttgart 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 59: Ultrakurze Laserpulse
Freitag, 16. März 2012, 10:30–12:00, V38.04
10:30 |
Q 59.1 |
Dependence of high-harmonic generation yield on driving-laser ellipticity — •Max Möller, Sabih Khan, Yan Cheng, Michael Chini, Zenghu Chang, and Gerhard G. Paulus
10:45 |
Q 59.2 |
Generation of intensive tunable femtosecond pulses in the vacuum-UV and observation of wave packet dynamics in high excited states of NO — Peter Trabs, •Masood Ghotbi, Andrea Lübcke, Arnaud Rouzée, Franziska Buchner, and Marc Vrakking
11:00 |
Q 59.3 |
A Farewell to Laser Flash Photolysis: Transient Spectroscopy Covering Three Octaves and 11 Orders of Magnitude in Time — •Maxmimilian Bradler, Christoph Grill, Christian Sailer, Daniel Herrmann, Igor Pugliesi, and Eberhard Riedle
11:15 |
Q 59.4 |
2D-UV Spectroscopy in the Pump-Probe Geometry: First Resolution of Cross-Peaks — •Igor Pugliesi, Nils Krebs, and Eberhard Riedle
11:30 |
Q 59.5 |
Saturation of the all-optical Kerr effect in solids — •Bastian Borchers, Carsten Brée, Simon Birkholz, and Günter Steinmeyer
11:45 |
Q 59.6 |
Rogue waves in the transverse domain of multifilaments — •Simon Birkholz, Carsten Brée, Goery Genty, Erik Nibbering, and Günter Steinmeyer