Stuttgart 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 63: Ultra-cold atoms, ions and BEC IV
Freitag, 16. März 2012, 10:30–12:30, V57.03
10:30 |
Q 63.1 |
Quantum reflection and matter-wave optics with helium atoms and molecules — •Wieland Schöllkopf
11:00 |
Q 63.2 |
Interactions of Cold Atoms with Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes — Benjamin Jetter, Johannes Märkle, Philipp Schneeweiß, Michael Gierling, Robin Scott, Andrew Martin, Bartek Kaczmarek, Andreas Günther, József Fortágh, Mark Fromhold, and •Thomas Judd
11:15 |
Q 63.3 |
Superconducting Atom Chips for Ultracold Atoms — •Simon Bernon, Helge Hattermann, Florian Jessen, Daniel Cano, Daniel Bothner, Martin Knufinke, Matthias Kemmler, Reinhold Kleiner, Dieter Koelle, and Jozsef Fortagh
11:30 |
Q 63.4 |
Light-assisted ion-neutral reactive processes in the cold regime: radiative molecule formation vs. charge exchange — Felix H. J. Hall, Mireille Aymar, Nadia Bouloufa, •Olivier Dulieu, and Stefan Willistch
11:45 |
Q 63.5 |
Laser cooling of dense gases by collisional redistribution of radiation — •Anne Saß, Ulrich Vogl, and Martin Weitz
12:00 |
Q 63.6 |
Dynamical arrest of ultracold lattice fermions. — •Bernd Schmidt, M. Reza Bakhtiari, Irakli Titvinidze, Ulrich Schneider, Michiel Snoek, and Walter Hofstetter
12:15 |
Q 63.7 |
Efimov trimers and universal N-body states — •Alessandro Zenesini, B. Huang, M. Berninger, S. Besler, H.-C Naegerl, F. Ferlaino, and R. Grimm