Stuttgart 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 67: Quanteneffekte: Verschränkung und Dekohärenz 2
Freitag, 16. März 2012, 14:00–16:00, V7.01
14:00 |
Q 67.1 |
(contribution withdrawn) Decoherence and the Nature of System-Environment Correlations — •Ansgar Pernice and Walter T. Strunz
14:15 |
Q 67.2 |
A macroscopicity measure from a minimal modification of quantum time evolution — •Stefan Nimmrichter and Klaus Hornberger
14:30 |
Q 67.3 |
Optimal Control of open quantum systems: Cooperative effects of driving and dissipation — •Rebecca Schmidt, Jürgen T. Stockburger, and Joachim Ankerhold
14:45 |
Q 67.4 |
Efficient Simulation of System-Environment Interactions at Finite Temperatures — •Robert Rosenbach, Javier Prior, Alex W. Chin, Susana F. Huelga, and Martin B. Plenio
15:00 |
Q 67.5 |
A Hierarchy of Entanglement — •Federico Levi and Florian Mintert
15:15 |
Q 67.6 |
(contribution withdrawn) Energetic consequences of pure decoherence — •C. Aris Dreismann, Evan MacA. Gray, and Tom P. Blach
15:30 |
Q 67.7 |
Arvesons Entanglement Measure in Finite Dimensional Quantum Systems — •Florian Sokoli and Gernot Alber
15:45 |
Q 67.8 |
Robust entanglement production based on Rubin’s one-dimensional crystal — •Endre Kajari, Alexander Wolf, Eric Lutz, and Giovanna Morigi