Stuttgart 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 69: Quanteninformation: Kommunikation
Freitag, 16. März 2012, 14:00–16:00, V38.04
14:00 |
Q 69.1 |
High-fidelity polarisation storage in a broadband quantum memory — Duncan G. England, Patrick S. Michelberger, •Tessa F. M. Champion, Klaus F. Reim, Ka Chung Lee, Michael R. Sprague, Xian-Min Jin, Nathan K. Langford, William S. Kolthammer, Joshua Nunn, and Ian A. Walmsley
14:15 |
Q 69.2 |
Quantum repeaters and QKD: analysis of se- cret key rates — •Silvestre Abruzzo, Sylvia Bratzik, Hermann Kampermann, Dagmar Bruß, Nadja K. Bernardes, and Peter van Loock
14:30 |
Q 69.3 |
Quantum repeaters and quantum key distribution: the influence of distillation on the secret key rate — •Sylvia Bratzik, Hermann Kampermann, and Dagmar Bruß
14:45 |
Q 69.4 |
Security of Continuous Variable Quantum Key Distribution using the Entropic Uncertainty Relation — •Torsten Franz, Fabian Furrer, Mario Berta, Volkher B. Scholz, Marco Tomamichel, and Reinhard F. Werner
15:00 |
Q 69.5 |
QKD with finite resources: Taking advantage of quantum noise — •Markus Mertz, Hermann Kampermann, Zahra Shadman, and Dagmar Bruß
15:15 |
Q 69.6 |
Gaussian super-activation of the quantum channel capacity requires nonlinear interaction — •Daniel Lercher, Géza Giedke, and Michael Marc Wolf
15:30 |
Q 69.7 |
Superluminal Twin Beams, Superluminal Images and the Arrival Time of Spatial Information in Optical Pulses with Negative Group Velocity — •Ulrich Vogl, Ryan T. Glasser, and Paul D. Lett
15:45 |
Q 69.8 |
Parametric frequency down-conversion of single photons — •Susanne Blum, Georgina Olivares-Rentería, Carlo Ottaviani, Sebastian Zaske, Andreas Lenhard, Christoph Becher, and Giovanna Morigi