Stuttgart 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 7: Quantengase: Fermionen
Montag, 12. März 2012, 14:00–16:00, V47.02
14:00 |
Q 7.1 |
Dynamics of multi-component fermions in optical lattices — •Jasper Simon Krauser, Jannes Heinze, Nick Fläschner, Sören Götze, Christoph Becker, and Klaus Sengstock
14:15 |
Q 7.2 |
Pairing in a few-fermion system with attractive interactions — •Thomas Lompe, Gerhard Zürn, Friedhelm Serwane, Andre Wenz, Vincent Klinkhammer, and Selim Jochim
14:30 |
Q 7.3 |
Conduction of ultracold Fermions through a mesoscopic channel — •David Stadler, Jean-Philippe Brantut, Jakob Meineke, Sebastian Krinner, and Tilman Esslinger
14:45 |
Q 7.4 |
Towards local probing of two-dimensional Fermi gases — •Wolf Weimer, Kai Morgener, Jan Henning Drewes, Niels Strohmaier, and Henning Moritz
15:00 |
Q 7.5 |
Fulde-Ferrel-Larkin-Ovchinnikov phase separation in a onedimensional superconducting lattice of strongly coupled fermions — •Vivian França and Andreas Buchleitner
15:15 |
Q 7.6 |
Ultracold Driven Fermigases: Population Trapping and Bloch Oscillations — •Regine Frank
15:30 |
Q 7.7 |
(contribution withdrawn) Robustness of Topological Operations with Ultracold Atoms — •Leonardo Mazza, Matteo Rizzi, Hong-Hao Tu, Mikhail Lukin, and J.Ignacio Cirac
15:45 |
Q 7.8 |
Low-Lying Excitation Modes of a Dipolar Fermi Gas: From Collisionless to Hydrodynamic Regime — •Falk Wächtler, Aristeu Lima, and Axel Pelster