Stuttgart 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 8: Quanteninformation: Konzepte und Methoden 2
Montag, 12. März 2012, 14:00–16:00, V38.04
14:00 |
Q 8.1 |
Calibration robust entanglement detection beyond Bell inequalities — Tobias Moroder and •Oleg Gittsovich
14:15 |
Q 8.2 |
Detecting entanglement in spatial interference — Clemens Gneiting and •Klaus Hornberger
14:30 |
Q 8.3 |
Statistical tests for quantum state reconstruction I: Theory — •Matthias Kleinmann, Tobias Moroder, Thomas Monz, Philipp Schindler, Otfried Gühne, and Rainer Blatt
14:45 |
Q 8.4 |
Statistical tests for quantum state reconstruction II: Experiment — •Philipp Schindler, Thomas Monz, Matthias Kleinmann, Tobias Moroder, Otfried Gühne, and Rainer Blatt
15:00 |
Q 8.5 |
Symmetry-adapted visualization of multi-qubit systems — •Ariane Garon, Steffen J. Glaser, and Robert Zeier
15:15 |
Q 8.6 |
Reconstructing Density Matrices Efficiently — •Tillmann Baumgratz, David Gross, Marcus Cramer, and Martin B. Plenio
15:30 |
Q 8.7 |
Permutationally Invariant Tomography of a Six Qubit Symmetric Dicke State — •Christian Schwemmer, Géza Tóth, Alexander Niggebaum, Tobias Moroder, Philipp Hyllus, Otfried Gühne, and Harald Weinfurter
15:45 |
Q 8.8 |
An algorithm for permutationally invariant state reconstruction for larger qubit numbers — •Tobias Moroder, Philipp Hyllus, Géza Tóth, Christian Schwemmer, Alexander Niggebaum, Stefanie Gaile, Otfried Gühne, and Harald Weinfurter