SYGP 2: Posters
Montag, 12. März 2012, 16:00–16:30, Poster.V
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SYGP 2.1 |
Impact plasma study for middle velocity micro sized particle — •Yanwei Li, Ralf Srama, Yiyong Wu, and Sebastian Bugiel
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SYGP 2.2 |
Senkrechte Wellen in magnetisierten Plasmen — •Dominik Ibscher und Reinhard Schlickeiser
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SYGP 2.3 |
Experimental investigations on expanding magnetic flux ropes — •Philipp Kempkes, Felix Mackel, Sascha Ridder, Thomas Tacke, and Henning Soltwisch
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SYGP 2.4 |
On solar wind ion kinetics in correlation with short-wavelength transverse waves — Sofiane Bourouaine and •Eckart Marsch
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SYGP 2.5 |
(contribution withdrawn) Fragmentation of current sheets and vortex sheets in stationary incompressible MHD — •Dieter H. Nickeler, Marian Karlicky, Miroslav Barta, and Thomas Wiegelmann