16:45 |
T 129.1 |
Teststand zur Optimierung und Reinigung von Photokathoden auf GaAs-Basis — •Martin Espig, Joachim Enders, Yuliya Fritzsche, Neeraj Kurichiyanil und Markus Wagner
16:45 |
T 129.2 |
Gepulste magnetische Quadrupollinsen — •Carmen Tenholt, Peter Spiller, Isfried Petzenhauser, Udo Blell und Oliver Kester
16:45 |
T 129.3 |
TELBE - the super-radiant THz facility at ELBE — •Bertram Green, Sergei Kovalev, Jens Hauser, Michael Kuntzsch, Alaa Al-Shemmary, Harald Schneider, Stephan Winnerl, Wolfgang Seidel, Sergei Zvyagin, Simon Wall, Ilie Radu, Lukas M Eng, Ulf Lehnert, Manfred Helm, Nikola Stojanovic, Joachim Heberle, Andrea Cavalleri, Peter Michel, and Michael Gensch
16:45 |
T 129.4 |
Few Femtosecond level electron bunch diagnostic at quasi-cw electron accelerators — •Bertram Green, Michael Kuntzsch, Sergei Kovalev, Al-Shemmary Alaa, Jens Hauser, Stefan Findeisen, Christian Schneider, Caglar Kaya, Nikola Stojanovic, Peter Michel, and Michael Gensch
16:45 |
T 129.5 |
Berechnung von Eigenmoden für die GSI SIS18 Ferritkavität — •Klaus Klopfer, Wolfgang Ackermann und Thomas Weiland
16:45 |
T 129.6 |
Numerische Berechnung elektromagnetischer Felder in Beschleunigungsresonatoren unter präziser Berücksichtigung der Kopplerstrukturen — •Cong Liu, Wolfgang Ackermann, Wolfgang F.O. Müller und Thomas Weiland
16:45 |
T 129.7 |
Chopping High Intensity Proton Beams — •Christoph Wiesner, Hannes Dinter, Martin Droba, Oliver Meusel, Ilja Müller, Daniel Noll, Onur Payir, Ulrich Ratzinger, and Philipp Schneider
16:45 |
T 129.8 |
Transverse Phase Space Measurement of SRF-gun in HZDR using Single Slit Method — •Pengnan Lu, Jochen Teichert, Hannes Vennekate, Petr Murcek, Rong Xiang, and André Arnold
16:45 |
T 129.9 |
Eigenvalue study of a chaotic resonator — •Todorka Banova, Wolfgang Ackermann, and Thomas Weiland
16:45 |
T 129.10 |
Simulations of beam transport at FRANZ — •Ole Hinrichs, Oliver Meusel, Kerstin Sonnabend, Rene Reifarth, Daniel Noll, Malte Schwarz, Manuel Heilmann, and Stefan Schmidt
16:45 |
T 129.11 |
Quantifizierung von durch Messfehler bedingten Unsicherheiten in Magnetfeldern — Andreas Bartel, Herbert De Gersem, Timo Hülsmann, •Ulrich Römer, Sebastian Schöps und Thomas Weiland
16:45 |
T 129.12 |
Die gekoppelte RFQ-IH Kombination der Neutronenquelle FRANZ — •Manuel Heilmann, Dominik Mäder, Oliver Meusel, Ulrich Ratzinger, Alwin Schempp und Malte Schwarz
16:45 |
T 129.13 |
Beam Dynamics in a Rebunching CH Cavity with High Space Charge — •Malte Schwarz, Manuel Heilmann, Oliver Meusel, Daniel Noll, Holger Podlech, Ulrich Ratzinger, and Anja Seibel
16:45 |
T 129.14 |
Neue Methode zur Reduzierung des Anteils der Strahlposition im quadrupolaren Signal — •Joel Alain Tsemo Kamga, Wolfgang F. O. Müller und Thomas Weiland
16:45 |
T 129.15 |
Beam Dynamics in Magnetic Quadrupol Triplets — •Christine Claessens, Manuel Heilmann, Oliver Meusel, Holger Podlech, Ulrich Ratzinger, and Christoph Wiesner
16:45 |
T 129.16 |
Development of a reusable beam profile analyzer for laser accelerated proton beams — •Simon Frydrych, Simon Busold, Oliver Deppert, and Markus Roth
16:45 |
T 129.17 |
Design and calibration of ultra-short, broadband (200nm - 12 µ m), single-shot spectrometer for ultrashort electron bunch durations diagnostics — •Omid Zarini, Alexander Debus, Michael Bussmann, Jurjen Couperous, Arie Irman, Wolfgang Seidel, and Ulrich Schramm
16:45 |
T 129.18 |
Niederenergetischer Strahltransport intensiver Ionenstrahlen für FRANZ — •Philipp Schneider, Hannes Dinter, Martin Droba, Oliver Meusel, Daniel Noll, Onur Payir, Ulrich Ratzinger und Christoph Wiesner
16:45 |
T 129.19 |
Relativistic LTE fluid plasma simulation — •Leon Buikstra, Michael Bussmann, Fred van Goor, Arie Irman, Ulrich Schramm, and Thomas Cowan
16:45 |
T 129.20 |
Entwicklung des Krylov-Schur Eeigenwertlösers für supraleitende Beschleunigungsstrukturen — •Vladimir Kudrin, Wolfgang Ackermann, Wolfgang F.O. Müller und Thomas Weiland
16:45 |
T 129.21 |
TADPOLE for longitudinal electron-bunch diagnostics based on electro-optic upconversion — •Jan-Patrick Schwinkendorf, Steffen Wunderlich, Bernhard Schmidt, and Jens Osterhoff
16:45 |
T 129.22 |
Beam Dynamics Simulation of the S-DALINAC Injector Section — •Sylvain Franke, Wolfgang Ackermann, and Thomas Weiland
16:45 |
T 129.23 |
PIConGPU - How to built one of the fastest GPU particle-in-cell codes in the world — •Heiko Burau, Alexander Debus, Anton Helm, Axel Hübl, Thomas Kluge, Rene Widera, Michael Bussmann, Ulrich Schramm, Thomas Cowan, Guido Juckeland, Felix Schmitt, and Wolfgang Nagel
16:45 |
T 129.24 |
PIConGPU - Physics Validation for Laser Plasma and Astrophysics Plasma Simulations — Axel Hübl, Heiko Burau, Anton Helm, Rene Widera, Alexander Debus, Thomas Kluge, Jurjen Couperous, Arie Irman, Michael Bussmann, Ulrich Schramm, Thomas Cowan, Felix Schmitt, Guido Juckeland, and •Wolfgang Nagel
16:45 |
T 129.25 |
Pulsed power magnet technology for laser particle acceleration and laser plasma physics - a survey of developments at Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf — •Florian Kroll, Trevor Burris-Mog, Thomas Herrmannsdörfer, Martin Joost, Stephan Kraft, Umar Masood, Hans-Peter Schlenvoigt, Manfred Sobiella, Bernd Wustmann, Sergei Zherlitsyn, Thomas Cowan, and Ulrich Schramm
16:45 |
T 129.26 |
Generation and Transport of laser accelerated ion beams — •Peter Schmidt, Oliver Boine-Frankenheim, Vladimir Kornilov, and Peter Spädtke
16:45 |
T 129.27 |
Higher Order Modes in Superconducting Radio Frequency Resonators for Energy Recovery Linacs — •Tomasz Galek and Ursula van Rienen
16:45 |
T 129.28 |
First coupled CH Power Cavity for the FAIR Proton Injector — •Robert Brodhage, Ulrich Ratzinger, Wolfgang Vinzenz, and Gianluigi Clemente
16:45 |
T 129.29 |
Design Study of a High Frequency Proton Ladder RFQ — •Robert Brodhage and Ulrich Ratzinger
16:45 |
T 129.30 |
Hollow Beam creation with diffractive phase masks at PHELIX — •Christian Brabetz, Simon Busold, Oliver Deppert, Oliver Kester, Dennis Schumacher, Florian Wagner, Bernhard Zielbauer, and Vincent Bagnoud