Dresden 2013 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 17: Beyond the Standard Model (Theorie) 4
Mittwoch, 6. März 2013, 16:45–18:45, WIL-A124
16:45 |
T 17.1 |
Squark Pair Production at NLO — Michael Krämer, Mathieu Pellen, Christian Hangst, Margarethe Mühlleitner, •Eva Popenda, and Michael Spira
17:00 |
T 17.2 |
Combining squark production and decay at NLO QCD — Wolfgang Hollik, •Jonas Lindert, and Davide Pagani
17:15 |
T 17.3 |
Supersymmetric cascade decays at next to leading order: Squark decay — •Mathieu Pellen, Ryan Gavin, Christian Hangst, Michael Krämer, Margarete Mühlleitner, Eva Popenda, and Michael Spira
17:30 |
T 17.4 |
qq-production at NLO merged with parton-shower — •Christian Hangst, Michael Krämer, Margarete Mühlleitner, Eva Popenda, and Michael Spira
17:45 |
T 17.5 |
Slepton Pair Production in the POWHEG BOX — Barbara Jäger, Andreas von Manteuffel, and •Stephan Thier
18:00 |
T 17.6 |
Resummation predictions for supersymmetric electroweak particles — Benjamin Fuks, Michael Klasen, David R. Lamprea, and •Marcel Rothering
18:15 |
T 17.7 |
Relic abundance calculation for generic neutralino LSP dark matter including Sommerfeld enhancements — Martin Beneke, •Charlotte Hellmann, and Pedro Ruiz-Femenia
18:30 |
T 17.8 |
SUSY-QCD corrections to (co)annihilation and their impact on the relic density — •Julia Harz, Björn Herrmann, Michael Klasen, Karol Kovařik, and Quentin Le Boulc’h