Dresden 2013 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 21: Astroteilchenphysik und Kosmologie (Theorie)
Mittwoch, 6. März 2013, 16:45–19:00, WIL-B122
16:45 |
T 21.1 |
DM@NLO and the impact of SUSY-QCD-corrections to (co-)annihilation-processes on Neutralino Dark Matter — Julia Harz, Björn Herrmann, Michael Klasen, Karol Kovařík, Quentin Le Boulc'h, •Moritz Meinecke, and Patrick Steppeler
17:00 |
T 21.2 |
Dark matter signals at the LHC: forecasts from ton-scale direct detection experiments — •Riccardo Catena
17:15 |
T 21.3 |
On the spin-dependent sensitivity of XENON100. — Mathias Garny, Alejandro Ibarra, Miguel Pato, and •Stefan Vogl
17:30 |
T 21.4 |
Multi-Component Dark Matter Systems and Their Observation Prospects — Mayumi Aoki, •Michael Duerr, Jisuke Kubo, and Hiroshi Takano
17:45 |
T 21.5 |
Ultra-high energy cosmic ray escape from gamma-ray bursts, and the cosmic ray-neutrino connection — •Philipp Baerwald, Mauricio Bustamante, Svenja Hümmer, Amyad Spector, Eli Waxman, and Walter Winter
18:00 |
T 21.6 |
Analyzing the propagation of cosmic rays — •Robert Rettig
18:15 |
T 21.7 |
Nonequilibrium QFT approach to leptogenesis — •Tibor Frossard, Mathias Garny, Andreas Hohenegger, David Mitrouskas, and Alexander Kartavtsev
18:30 |
T 21.8 |
Time Evolution of the Large-Scale Tail of Non-Helical Primordial Magnetic Fields — •Andrey Saveliev, Karsten Jedamzik, and Günter Sigl
18:45 |
T 21.9 |
The 130 GeV gamma-ray line and generic dark matter model building constraints from continuum gamma rays, radio and antiproton data — •Martin Vollmann, Masaki Asano, Torsten Bringmann, and Guenter Sigl