Dresden 2013 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 84: Gammaastronomie 4
Mittwoch, 6. März 2013, 16:45–19:00, HSZ-E05
16:45 |
T 84.1 |
Constraints on anisotropic cosmic expansion from supernovae — •Benedict Kalus, Dominik J. Schwarz, Marina Seikel, and Alexander Wiegand
17:00 |
T 84.2 |
Tracing the origin of cosmic rays from SNRs in molecular clouds — •Florian Schuppan, Julia Tjus, and John H. Black
17:15 |
T 84.3 |
Systematische Suche nach gammastrahlungsemittierenden Molekülwolken in der Nähe von Supernova-Überresten — •Stephanie Häffner, Ira Jung und Christian Stegmann
17:30 |
T 84.4 |
Statistical study of Galactic SNR source spectra — •Matthias Mandelartz and Julia Tjus
17:45 |
T 84.5 |
Resolved very high energy gamma-ray emission of HESS J1857+026 obtained with the MAGIC telescopes — •Julian Krause, Victor Stamatescu, Stefan Klepser, Rebecca Gozzini, and David Paneque
18:00 |
T 84.6 |
H.E.S.S. Analysis of Sgr A* — •Helen Poon
18:15 |
T 84.7 |
Chandraanalyse und Modellierung des Pulsarwindnebels G21.5−0.9 — •Philipp Willmann, Moritz Böck, Peter Eger, Felix Fürst, Markus Holler, Kathrin Valerius, Jörn Wilms und Christopher van Eldik
18:30 |
T 84.8 |
Populationsstudie von Pularwindnebeln mit H.E.S.S. — •Michael Mayer
18:45 |
T 84.9 |
Very-high-energy gamma-radiation from supernova remnants as seen with H.E.S.S. — •Joachim Hahn, Anne Bochow, Wilfried Domainko, Henning Gast, Vincent Marandon, and Matthieu Renaud