Hannover 2013 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
A 15: Precision spectroscopy of atoms and ions III (with Q)
Dienstag, 19. März 2013, 11:00–12:30, B 305
11:00 |
A 15.1 |
X-ray laser spectroscopy with trapped highly charged ions — •Sven Bernitt
11:30 |
A 15.2 |
High-precision X-ray spectroscopy of highly charged ions with microcalorimeters — •Saskia Kraft-Bermuth, Victor Andrianov, Alexander Bleile, Artur Echler, Peter Egelhof, Patrick Grabitz, Stoyanka Ilieva, Caroline Kilbourne, Oleg Kiselev, Dan McCammon, Jan Meier, and Pascal Scholz
11:45 |
A 15.3 |
The g factor of lithiumlike silicon 28Si11+ — •Anke Wagner, Sven Sturm, Florian Köhler, Dmitry A. Glazov, Andrey V. Volotka, Günter Plunien, Wolfgang Quint, Günter Werth, Vladimir M. Shabaev, and Klaus Blaum
12:00 |
A 15.4 |
The proton g-factor — •Sascha A. Bräuninger, Klaus Blaum, Holger Kracke, Clemens Leiteritz, Andreas Mooser, Wolfgang Quint, Cricia Rodegheri, Stefan Ulmer, and Jochen Walz
12:15 |
A 15.5 |
Electron correlation effects in resonant photorecombination and excitation processes with highly charged ions — •Zoltán Harman and Christoph H. Keitel