
Hannover 2013 – scientific programme

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A: Fachverband Atomphysik

A 2: Precision spectroscopy of atoms and ions I (with Q)

Monday, March 18, 2013, 11:00–12:30, B 302

11:00 A 2.1 Progress Towards Antihydrogen Hyperfine Spectroscopy — •Stefan Ulmer
11:15 A 2.2 Myonic hydrogen and the proton radius puzzle — •Randolf Pohl
11:30 A 2.3 The Lamb shift measurement in muonic helium ions. — •Marc Diepold and The CREMA Collaboration
11:45 A 2.4 Simulation zur Laserkühlung von Antiwasserstoff — •Burkhard Mayer, Thomas Diehl, Daniel Kolbe, Andreas Koglbauer, Matthias Stappel, Ruth Steinborn, Andreas Müllers und Jochen Walz
12:00 A 2.5 Precision spectroscopy of the 2S−4P1/2 transition in atomic hydrogen on a cold thermal beam of optically excited 2S atoms — •Axel Beyer, Nikolai Kolachevsky, Janis Alnis, Dylan C. Yost, Ksenia Khabarova, Arthur Matveev, Christian G. Parthey, Randolf Pohl, Thomas Udem, and Theodor W. Hänsch
12:15 A 2.6 Eine um eine Größenordnung verbesserte Elektronenmasse — •Florian Köhler, Sven Sturm, Anke Wagner, Günter Werth, Wolfgang Quint und Klaus Blaum
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