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A: Fachverband Atomphysik
A 36: Atomic clusters II (with MO)
A 36.4: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 21. März 2013, 15:00–15:15, F 428
XUV-Fluorescence spectroscopy of Argon clusters excited by intense XUV pulses and high kinetic electrons — •T Oelze1, M Adolph1, L Flückiger1, T Gorkhover1, M Krikunova1, M Müller1, L Nösel1, Y Ovcharenko1, R Richter1, D Rupp1, M Sauppe1, S Schorb1,3, D Wolter1, A Przystawik2, L Schrödter2, C Bostedt1,3, T Laarmann2, and T Möller1 — 1TU-Berlin — 2HASYLAB@DESY — 3LCLS@SLAC
Free-electron lasers (FELs) in the short wavelength regime, such as FLASH, combine a high photon flux with fs pulse length, thus enabling us to study the interaction between intense light and matter in new ways. Rare gas clusters as size scalable nano-objects are used as model systems to study this interaction. When the clusters get hit by an FEL pulse, a nanoplasma is created within the cluster. Finally the clusters disintegrate into highly charged ions while emitting electrons and photons. The residues, yielding information of mechanisms and time scales, can be analyzed. Fluorescence spectra of rare gas clusters taken at FLASH at an excitation energy of 90 eV revealed a large number of lines between 10 and 75 nm. To further investigate the cluster size dependent development of those lines, a subsequent experiment using high kinetic electrons for excitation, has been realized. A corresponding dependency of the fluorescence spectra on the electron energy was found, which points to strong influence of the nanoplasma in the fluorescence process. The setup will be discussed and results will be shown.