16:00 |
A 41.1 |
Coupling Nuclei to the Atomic Shells in Stellar Environments — •Stephan Helmrich and Adriana Pálffy
16:00 |
A 41.2 |
Electron-atom collisions studied in a MOTReMi apparatus — •Elisabeth Brühl, Natalia Ferreira, Johannes Goullon, Renate Hubele, Hannes Lindenblatt, Michael Schuricke, Alexander Dorn, and Daniel Fischer
16:00 |
A 41.3 |
Absolute Recombination Rate Coefficients Of Highly Charged Tungsten Ions — •Kaija Spruck, Arno Becker, Dietrich Bernhardt, Manfred Grieser, Michael Hahn, Claude Krantz, Michael Lestinsky, Alfred Müller, Oldřich Novotný, Roland Repnow, Daniel Wolf Savin, Andreas Wolf, and Stefan Schippers
16:00 |
A 41.4 |
Untersuchung von Ionen-Lithium Dynamik mit einem in-Ring MOTReMi — •Hannes Lindenblatt, Elisabeth Bruehl, Natalia Ferreira, Johannes Goullon, Renate Hubele, Aaron LaForge und Daniel Fischer
16:00 |
A 41.5 |
Spectroscopic investigation of resonant recombination processes on highly charged silicon — •Thomas M. Baumann, Zoltan Harman, Christian Beilmann, Julian Stark, Paul H. Mokler, Joachim Ullrich, and Jose R. Crespo Lopez-Urrutia
16:00 |
A 41.6 |
The spin-orbit interaction in bremsstrahlung and its application for electron beam polarimetry — •Stanislav Tashenov, Torbjörn Bäck, Bo Cederwall, Anton Khaplanov, Kai-Uwe Schässburger, Roman Barday, Joachim Enders, Yulia Fritzsche, Andrey Surzhykov, Vladimir Yerokhin, and Doris Jakubassa-Amundsen
16:00 |
A 41.7 |
First observation of correlated photons emitted by a heavy highly charged ion — •Stanislav Tashenov, Dariusz Banas, Heinrich Beier, Karl-Heinz Blumenhagen, Carsten Brandau, Alexandre Gumberidze, Tobias Habermann, Siegbert Hagmann, Pierre-Michel Hillenbrand, Ivan Kojouharov, Christophor Kozhuharov, Michael Lestinsky, Yury Litvinov, Shizu Minami, Henning Schaffner, Uwe Spillmann, Thomas Stöhlker, and Andrey Surzhykov
16:00 |
A 41.8 |
Measurement of the angular distribution of Dielectronic Recombination into highly charged Krypton ions — •Pedro Amaro, Christian Beilmann, René Steinbrügge, Chintan Shah, Jan K. Rudolph, Sven Bernitt, Oleksiy Kovtun, José R. Crespo López-Urrutia, and Stanislav Tashenov
16:00 |
A 41.9 |
Unexpected high strength of inter-shell trielectronic recombination — C. Beilmann, P.H. Mokler, T.M. Baumann, S. Bernitt, C.H. Keitel, J. Ullrich, Z. Harman, and •J.R. Crespo López-Urrutia