
Hannover 2013 – scientific programme

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A: Fachverband Atomphysik

A 47: Precision measurements and metrology V (with Q)

A 47.2: Talk

Friday, March 22, 2013, 11:15–11:30, E 001

Ultra-stable Cryogenic Optical Sapphire Cavities – Towards a Thermal Noise Limited Frequency Stability < 3·10−17 — •Moritz Nagel, Katharina Möhle, Klaus Döringshoff, Sylvia Schikora, Evgeny Kovalchuk, and Achim Peters — Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Physik, AG Optische Metrologie, Newtonstr. 15, 12489 Berlin

Many experimental and technical applications, e.g. optical atomic clocks, demand ultra-stable cavity systems for laser frequency stabilization. Nowadays, the main limiting factor in frequency stability for room temperature resonators has been identified to be the displacement noise within the resonator substrates and mirror coatings due to thermal noise. A rather straightforward method to reduce the influence of thermal noise is to cool down the resonators to cryogenic temperatures. Following this approach, we present a design and first measurements for an ultra-stable cryogenically cooled sapphire optical cavity system, with a prospective thermal noise limited frequency stability better than 3·10−17.

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