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MO: Fachverband Molekülphysik
MO 17: SYUD: Visualizing Ultrafast Dynamics in atoms, molecules, and clusters
MO 17.2: Hauptvortrag
Mittwoch, 20. März 2013, 14:30–15:00, E 415
Ultrafast dynamics of gas-phase anions — •Jan R. R. Verlet — University of Durham, Durham, United Kingdom
Anions isolated in the gas-phase are studied using femtosecond photoelectron spectroscopy. The use of electrospray ionisation and mass-spectrometry prior to spectroscopy enables the study of a wide range of anionic species. Some recent results on specific systems will be presented. Specifically, the dynamics of polyanions will be discussed with a particular focus on recent developments on how these can provide a route to studying structural dynamics in real-time. We will also discuss results form recent work on molecules of biological importance such as quinones, nucleotides and chromophores of fluorescent protein .