Hannover 2013 – scientific programme
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MS: Fachverband Massenspektrometrie
MS 8: Poster
MS 8.2: Poster
Wednesday, March 20, 2013, 16:00–18:30, Empore Lichthof
The Preparation Penning Trap for the project TRAPSENSOR — •Juan Manuel Cornejo, Juan Pablo Fernández, Antonio Lorenzo, and Daniel Rodríguez — Universidad de Granada 18071, Granada, Spain
Penning traps allow performing mass measurements with very high accuracy and very high sensitivity [1]. However the techniques in use, i.e. the time-of-flight and the induced-image-current technique cannot provide still mass measurements on some specific nuclei like for instance superheavy elements: produced in fusion evaporation reactions at accelerators nor even the level of accuracy required on medium and heavy mass isotopes to contribute to neutrino mass spectrometry. In order to overcome this problem, a new device called Quantum Sensor is under development at the University of Granada (Spain) [2]. Masses will be determined using a laser-cooled ion as sensor instead of electronic detection. In this contribution, the device will be presented showing the status of the project addressing specially the preparation Penning trap built up to delivered cooled samples for the proposed mass measurements
[1] K. Blaum, Phys. Rep. 425, 1-78 (2006)
[2] D. Rodríguez, Appl. Phys. B: Lasers O. 107, 1031-1042 (2012)