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MS: Fachverband Massenspektrometrie
MS 8: Poster
MS 8.5: Poster
Mittwoch, 20. März 2013, 16:00–18:30, Empore Lichthof
Direct mass measurements of neutron-deficient 152Sm projectile fragments at FRS-ESR facility — •X.L. Yan1,2,3,4, Yu.A. Litvinov3,1, K. Blaum4, F. Bosch3, C. Brandau3, L. Chen5, H. Geissel3,5, R. Knöbel3,5, C. Kozhuharov3, J. Kurcewicz3, S.A. Litvinov3,5, G. Münzenberg3, C. Nociforo3, F. Nolden3, W.R. Plaß3,5, M.S. Sanjari3,6, C. Scheidenberger3,5, M. Steck3, B. Sun7, X.L. Tu1, H. Weick3, N. Winckler3,4, M. Winkler3, H.S. Xu1, Y.H. Zhang1, and X.H. Zhou1 — 1Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China — 2University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China — 3GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Germany — 4Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Germany — 5Justus-Liebig Universität Gießen, Germany — 6Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Germany — 7Beihang University, China
Direct mass measurement was performed on neutron-deficient 152Sm projectile fragments at the FRS-ESR facility at GSI, employing the time-resolved Schottky Mass Spectrometry method. Exotic nuclei were produced via fragmentation of relativistic 152Sm projectiles in a thick beryllium target. The reaction products were separated in-flight with the fragment separator FRS, and injected into the storage-cooler ring ESR. 311 different nuclides were identified by means of their revolution frequency spectra. Masses for 14 nuclides (116,118Ba, 122,123La, 124,125Ce, 123,127Pr, 129Nd, 130,132Pm, 134Sm, 137Eu, 138Gd) have been determined for the first time. The new masses allow us to uncover a part of the previously unknown mass surface and will be used to constrain nuclear mass models. The data analysis is in progress.