
Hannover 2013 – scientific programme

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Q: Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik

Q 43: Poster II

Q 43.51: Poster

Wednesday, March 20, 2013, 16:00–18:30, Empore Lichthof

Energy and phase dependence of the stability of three pulse soliton molecules in dispersion managed optical fibers — •Philipp Rohrmann, Alexander Hause, and Fedor Mitschke — Universität Rostock, Institut für Physik, Universitätsplatz 3, 18051 Rostock

It has been shown that solitons in dispersion managed optical fiber can form bound states, the so called soliton molecules. Such bound states may be used as additional symbols for nonbinary coding. In addition to the known case of the two-soliton molecule, an experimental verification of a three-soliton molecule was reported recently [1].

Here we present an experimental investigation of the stability of such three-soliton molecules for different pulse energies and relative phases. The pulse parameters of triple pulses were adjusted with a pulse shaping setup. These triple pulses were launched into a dispersion managed fiber; the output shape was measured with a cross correlation setup.

The energy range in which the formation of the molecule happens could be shown. We could also demonstrate that the stability of the molecule directly depends on the relative phase of the pulses; a stable propagation of the three-pulse molecules can be seen only for anti-phase pulses. The experimental data confirm the previous numerical work by our group.

[1] P. Rohrmann et al., Scientific Reports 2, 866 (2012)

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