Q 45: Quantum gases: Bosons II
Donnerstag, 21. März 2013, 11:00–12:30, F 342
11:00 |
Q 45.1 |
Scattering bright solitons: quantum versus mean-field behavior — •Bettina Gertjerenken and Christoph Weiss
11:15 |
Q 45.2 |
Roton confinement in a trapped dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate — Mattia Jona Lasinio, •Kazimierz Łakomy, and Luis Santos
11:30 |
Q 45.3 |
Particles, holes and solitons: a matrix product state approach — •Tobias Osborne, Damian Draxler, Jutho Haegeman, Vid Stojevic, Laurens Vanderstraeten, and Frank Verstraete
11:45 |
Q 45.4 |
Compact mixture of degenerate quantum gases — •Katerine Posso-Trujillo, Holger Ahlers, Ernst M. Rasel, and Naceur Gaaloul
12:00 |
Q 45.5 |
Non-thermal fixed points in a two-component Bose gas across the miscible–immiscible transition — •Markus Karl, Boris Nowak, and Thomas Gasenzer
12:15 |
Q 45.6 |
A novel experiment for coupling quantum gases to various optical cavities — •Julian Leonard, Moonjoo Lee, Leigh Martin, Christian Zosel, Tilman Esslinger, and Tobias Donner