Q 48: Ultracold atoms: Traps and cooling
Donnerstag, 21. März 2013, 11:00–12:30, A 310
11:00 |
Q 48.1 |
Laser cooling of dense atomic gases by collisional redistribution of radiation — •Anne Saß, Ralf Forge, Peter Moroshkin, and Martin Weitz
11:15 |
Q 48.2 |
Building and Characterising a 2D-MOT as a Source of Cold Atoms — •Benjamin Gänger, Michael Bauer, Farina Kindermann, Shrabana Chakrabarti, and Artur Widera
11:30 |
Q 48.3 |
EIT-control of single-atom motion in an optical cavity — •Tobias Kampschulte, Wolfgang Alt, Sebastian Manz, Miguel Martinez-Dorantes, René Reimann, Seokchan Yoon, Dieter Meschede, Marc Bienert, and Giovanna Morigi
11:45 |
Q 48.4 |
Efficient demagnetization cooling and its limits — •Valentin V Volchkov, Jahn Rührig, Matthias Wenzel, Tilman Pfau, and Axel Griesmaier
12:00 |
Q 48.5 |
Hardware-in-the-Loop simulation of a strongly coupled atom-cavity system — •Maria Bernard-Schwarz, Tatjana Wilk, and Martin Gröschl
12:15 |
Q 48.6 |
Electron guiding on a surface-electrode microwave chip — •Jakob Hammer, Johannes Hoffrogge, Dominik Ehberger, and Peter Hommelhoff