Q 49: Ultrashort laser pulses: Generation II
Donnerstag, 21. März 2013, 11:00–12:30, F 142
11:00 |
Q 49.1 |
Novel opportunities with intense mid-IR pulses: Self-compression to the 3-cycle regime and broadest coherent supercontinuum source — Matthias Baudisch, •Michael Hemmer, Alexandre Thai, Francisco Silva, Dane Austin, Arnaud Couairon, Daniele Faccio, and Jens Biegert
11:30 |
Q 49.2 |
Beating the astigmatism in laser focusing and collimation with off-axis spherical mirrors — •Emanuel Wittmann, Niko Heinrichs, Elias Eckert, and Eberhard Riedle
11:45 |
Q 49.3 |
High-order harmonic generation in laser-induced plasma plumes at 1 kHz repetition rate — •Jiaan Zheng, Michael Wöstmann, Henrik Witte, Helmut Zacharias, and Rashid A. Ganeev
12:00 |
Q 49.4 |
A broadband milliwatt-level mid-infrared source for near-field microscopy applications — •Robin Hegenbarth, Andy Steinmann, Sergey Sarkisov, Stefan Mastel, Sergiu Amarie, Andreas Huber, and Harald Giessen
12:15 |
Q 49.5 |
Rauscharmes, CEP stabilisiertes OPCPA System — •Jan Matyschok, Thomas Binhammer, Oliver Prochnow, Stefan Rausch, Piotr Rudawski, Cord L. Arnold, Anne L’Huillier und Uwe Morgner