Hannover 2013 – scientific programme
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Q: Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik
Q 53: Quantum information: Atoms and ions IV
Q 53.1: Group Report
Thursday, March 21, 2013, 14:00–14:30, A 310
Quantum technologies based on NV center in diamond — •Jianming Cai1, Boris Naydenov2, Liam McGuinness2, Paz London2, Kay Jahnke2, Jochen Scheuer2, Rainer Pfeiffer2, Alex Retzker1, Fedor Jelezko2, and Martin Plenio1 — 1Institute of Theoretical Physics,Ulm University — 2Institut für Quantenoptik, Ulm University
In this talk, I will report our recent developments on various applications of NV center in diamond. In particular, we propose a new architecture for a scalable quantum simulator, which consists of strongly-interacting nuclear spins attached to the diamond surface by its direct chemical treatment, or by means of a functionalized graphene sheet. The initialization, control and read-out of this quantum simulator can be accomplished with nitrogen-vacancy centers implanted in diamond. The system can be engineered to simulate a wide variety of interesting strongly-correlated models with long-range dipole-dipole interactions. We also explore the possibility of using NV center in diamond as a nano-scale sensor to probe the structural and dynamical processes in chemistry/biology.