Hannover 2013 – scientific programme
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Q: Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik
Q 56: Poster III
Q 56.57: Poster
Thursday, March 21, 2013, 16:00–18:30, Empore Lichthof
Transition from ion chain to zigzag configuration in a box like potential — •Andrea Klumpp and Peter Schmelcher — ZOQ University of Hamburg
Self-organizing processes are an interesting subject of physical research. These can be investigate by studing ultracold charged particles in a trap [1]. In numerical calculation of the classical ground state configurations of such trapped particles, the so called Coulomb or Wigner crystals, an harmonic potential φeff=ν1x2+ν2y2+ν3z2 is used as a first approximation for the effective potential of the trap [2]. Thus, for the harmonic potential a number of studies exist for the ground state of the trapped particles and for the phase transition between different formations [3,4]. In order to improve the usually applied approximation we start to model the spatial limits of a trap using a box like potential Φ(z)=−V0/1+(z/l)m with the length l of the trap in axial direction and an harmonic potential perpendicular to the axis.
Using this more realistic potential we varied the parameter m governing the box-type behaviour of the potential. We present the results of calculations for the one dimensional Wigner crystal configurations and the transition from ion chain to zigzag formation in the box like potential and compared the results with the purely harmonic confinement [4].
[1] R.Blumel,et all Nature 334,309 (1988)
[2] W.Paul Rev.Mod.Phys. 62,3(1990)
[3] P.Ludwig,S.Kosse, M.Bonitz Phys. Rev.E 71,046403 (2005)
[4] E.Shimshoni, G.Morigi,S. Fishmann PRL 106, 010401 (2011)