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Q: Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik
Q 56: Poster III
Q 56.69: Poster
Donnerstag, 21. März 2013, 16:00–18:30, Empore Lichthof
2D Discrete Quantum Simulator — •Stefan Brakhane, Carsten Robens, Andrea Alberti, Wolfgang Alt, and Dieter Meschede — Institut für Angewandte Physik der Universität Bonn,Wegelerstr. 8,53115 Bonn
Coherent control of individual atoms in optical lattices have recently proven to be a key asset in simulating physical phenomena, spanning from quantum transport effects typical of solid state physics to artificial gauge fields.
Our planed apparatus features a 2D optical lattice with polarization controlled state-dependent transport, a high numerical aperture imaging system (NA = 0.92) enabling single site detection and addressing by means of highly-focused steering laser beams, and high magnetic field gradient to act as spin-dependent force.
We report on the current status of the experiment and on the development of a dodecagonal ultra-high vacuum glass cell with minimal bifrefringence allowing for optimal polarization control inside the vacuum.